Chapter Four Monopoly

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Chapter Four



The movie ended about an hour later and it was time for dinner. We went upstairs and went to sit down at my seat (Yeah, thats right I got a seat). Maddie's dad was already home, he had light blond hair and blue eyes ( Shocker there), and was about five ten.On the other hand Maddies mom was about five five so they were an interesting couple.  We all gathered around the table and took our seats. We said grace and dug in. Dinner was filled with laughs and conversations as if they were my own family. Sometimes I think about what it was when my mom was with us at the dinner table and how I wish we still had dinner at a table but you can't change the past no matter how hard you try. After a forty-five minute dinner was over I offered to help with the dishes but Maddies mom refused my help. So instead I went back down stairs with Maddie and Lizzie.    

“So what do you want to do now”? I asked, sitting down on the couch.

“Can we ….?” Maddie asked, a smile playing at her lips but I cut her off.


“Play Monopoly?”  I said finishing her sentence. Maddie and me would always play monopoly every time I came over. It would always last us till one am and end in fighting about how Maddie was cheating. I am so used to winning everything but Maddie always wins at Monopoly. Its probably why she always wants to play it. But of course it was a tradition and traditions must be kept. Or so I’ve been told.

“Ugh, Fine”! I said giving in.


“Yes”! Maddie cheered in victory.  “But on one condition”! I cut her off again from her cheering.


“What”? she asked. “You need to let me win”. I said attempting to bargain.

“What? Never”! She said dramatically. “Then I guess we are playing clue”. “What? Ugh, fine we can play Clue. Maddie said finally giving in. “Yes”! I said happy that I finally got my way ( I know sounds childish ).


We played Clue for about an hour and I was becoming very annoyed that it was taking so long, to the point where I started blaming Maddie for rigging the game. In the end I won but it was not a very satisfying win.


“So what now”? Maddie asked glancing over at the clock to see it was 8:32.


“Well we could….! I started but Maddie cut me off. “Start a Harry Potter Marathon!” she finished for me. “You know me so well”. I said. “Ha, yeah sometimes it scares me." We both laughed and Maddie popped in the first movie. I plopped down on the couch and crawled into my sleeping bag thinking I would probably just fall asleep anyway, Maddie did the same with the other couch. About twenty minutes in the movie Mrs. Hamilton brought down chips, ice cream and every snack and surgery  thing you could imagine. Okay so maybe I was exaggerating a bit but she did bring down a lot. Then when she was going back upstairs she took Lizzie too to go to bed.

By the time we got to the Order of the Phoenix it was about 2:30 and I was slowly starting to drift off to sleep, but I also wanted to stay up and finish the movie. I looked over at Maddie who was still wide awake watching intensively ( she was always the late night sort of person). I started blinking rapidly to try to wake myself up until I gave up and I finally let sleep take me.

/////Hey everyone!! Another update yay!!! So what do you guys think of this chapter? Do you like or hate Monopoly and why? Tell me in the comments below! I personally like it but it can take a long time so that can kinda suck the fun out of it. Anyway before this gets way to long, like always, comment, like and subscribe!Ttyl!!<3<3/////

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