Chapter 11 Games

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 I guess that explains why I am now getting a piggy-back ride from Logan as we continued home.

"-And I would've gotten away if I didn't drop my donut and stop to pick it up," I explain to Logan the reason I got caught.

"Yes, of course," He agrees, simply. 

"Why do I love you so much?" I mumble to myself, looking at the donut. Logan just chuckles quietly to himself.

"So, can you remind me how this is punishment for me again? Because I'm not exactly sure how you letting me not walk, is a bad thing," I question.

"Well, even though I'm the one carrying you, you're the one who suffers most," He clarifies, while making huffing sounds. 

"What? How?" I would love to hear his logic behind his madness.

"You see, even though I've known you for a short amount of time, I know a couple things about you," He says, shifting me around.

"Really? Because I recall you saying you don't know anything about me," I point out, and he was right the first time. He doesn't know squat about me.

"Yes, this is true. But, I know a couple of things."

"Ok," I say testing him. "Then what are these "things" you know?

"Well for starters, your snarky-." I gasp sarcastically. "-And your sarcastic-." I roll my eyes at him. Like I said, nothing everybody else doesn't already know.

"-And last but not least, you hate being trapped," He says with a content smirk on his face. Like he thinks he has me figured out. Psh.

Then I freeze. How'd he know that? My silence only makes his smirk widen.

I then pull just a little tighter on his neck with my arms.

"Hey! Okay, okay," He's quick to respond and his smirk disappeared just as fast. Now it was my turn to smirk.

"What makes you say that?" I get back to his earlier statement.

"Well, you just seem like one of those people that don't like to be trapped. To have to submit, or surrender. Plus, you hated me picking you up so it wasn't that hard to connect the dots," He explains. Worry starts to bubble up inside of met. He knows something. Oh no. Its fine, its only one thing, right? It's not the end of the world. I don't know why I started to freak out. It wasn't even a big deal. But now I have this fear in my chest when I'm around Logan. But why? He's just, well, Logan. But still, he figured that out...

I stay quiet for a few seconds, working through all that had just happened.

Logan, noticing my silence, starts to speak up.

"Hey, it's not a big deal. I mean, it was just a simple thing that anybody could have figured out," He says, as if he could read my mind, which worried me more.

"You know, not everyone likes being picked up. So, that doesn't really prove anything," I say, differently. Trying to make him question if the one thing he knew was true. 

"Ok, fine. You may have a point."

"Can I get down now?" I ask. I was kind of over this game he was playing.

Logan seems to pick up on my irritation, and sets me down.

"Hey, are you OK" He asks, and he sounds concerned. But why? Why would he care? It's not like I've known him for a long period of time.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine," I'm quick to reassure but I'm not so sure did the best job of that, because he looks at me with disbelief in his eyes. He continues to look at me so I reassure him with an, "Yes, I'm fine. He still just stares at me with this blank look on his face. This set me off. He's so annoying with all his pestering and weird stares. So, I say what I'm really thinking. "Okay, you wanna know what's really up? Your becoming very irritating to me with your constant know-it-all face and you're concerned attitude. So, can you just cut it out." He looks surprised at my abruptness. But then he starts to smile. He thought it was a joke. Ugh. I'll never be able to get through to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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