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Come aboard brother said Dylan with a smile his eyes changed with a flash of different colors . Dylan this is Duke my leader he found me when things went bad in space after we crashed on the moon and exploded . Jupiters moon not earths you sure your head didnt get mest up brother ? Um Dylan this may be weird but were did you get your prisoners ? Any idea of were they came from oh they came from this roman cyber place I dont know they said they needed to go to earth so here we are now . Do you know there names or why they wanted to come to earth ? They wanted to find there reviver I dont know his name or there names they said it was forbidden . Help us Lord Duke said Senatus and Populus hangon you guys . Dylan you invaded my planet you took my men now your going to pay . Dylan caught fire and flew out side I unflurred my black wings and chased after shooting purple flames when i could . He looked back and threw a metal ball that hit me in the back I started loosing altitude Snaketron 2 came into play as I pulled the metal ball from my back and threw it back to him . He turned as the ball sailed toward's him he quickly made the air stop it and drop into the streets of Philidelphia I rushed to get it when all of the sudden I couldn't move . Dylan let me go or else people will get injured badly and we dont want that . Johnny came racing by and caught it then ran off again who was that asked Dylan . Do not worry about it and " boom " I made an energy bomb out of my fire and suit and threw Dylan off balance so I rushed him and hit him with a metalic fist right in his gut . He spat blood and smiled red in his grin he quickly raced off and I shot off after him like a bullet from a gun . My suit malfunctioned and I went plummeting falling from millions of feet up I thought it was over but my ring had other thoughts . I woke up on the inside my inner beast unleashed I snarled with a great roar of laughter as my suit vanished and my purple demon came out . All hell has broken out and I'm just getting waked up .

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