A Very Unwelcoming Welcome To The Team

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Come on guys dont be mad at me be mad at Duke he is the one who chose for me not to be here even though I had to create him. He broke the time-line things in history have changed! Come on Dam-" cut off by sirens locateing another abnormal human" Ill go find Her you stay here and think about what I just said. " Some Were off of the Eastern Coast " Wait were did she go she was just right here !! " Wham " Ow mm watch out John . Duke go back now I already got this under control. Who put you in charge hmm your lucky your even on the team so go back now !! No you go back or ill take away your powers and make you human. You can't your a liar what are you getting ? A notebook so I can write down something " Take away Dukes Powers" Hey what were are my wings !!! give them back now Im sorry im sorry " Erases the writing" Thank the gods of Rome im back. Now Duke leave or ill take more then your powers away! Alright Cap'n John. Angel should be around in this area. I barely remember this place its been 5 years at least. Theres were I fought the mighty Dragon and over there by the beach is were I met Sarah. My gods its been a while. " Target found 3 feet north and 7 miles from there " Looks like its Suit mode MK7 activate roman colors and running. The more I move the more I burn on the inside I just want to be home but I can't not after what happened " Hears clinking of metal then turns to see what it is " Angel I'm here to help you, Don't get scared im just a man who well is in a metal suit. Here is this better me not being in the suit . Where did the suit go? and why did you come here why are you running and why roman colors? Well I'm here because you are abnormal like me and well the rest of the group. Come with me and you'll see your not the only one. " Activate plane mode on MK3 take it easy" Here come on in its just the suit's form thats different. Wow this is amazing my own personal jet! Actually its me iniside the suit flying the jet. Buckle up were about to take off. Why couldn't I just use my Invisible ability and my fire ability to follow you? Cause I'm your escort out of here. I don't need a damn escort though I just need to be very far away from Illinois ok. How about going to Hawaii ? That would be amazing but Philidelphia is my dream place I really want to go there. I live in Phili if you want to come stay with me? Yeah sure why not stay with a guy who has a magical suit that comes out of his skin. Let's trust him to protect us. Hey I can take you back to Illinios if you want me to. No thanks I'll just go live with you in Phili. Ok the teams HQ is in Hawaii though so if we get a call I do not care if your asleep you will have to fly with me their and back. The Team by the way is called The Ex-Ghosts cause they used to be dead. They don't really like me since I came in at a bad time and they still haven't got Johnny out of the Worm Whole he created and ran into. The team is a very welcoming one.  Hey did anyone else pick up the Shadow Racers ? They came right up next to me while I was flying. What the hell? I can only send them and clearly I didn't . What do you mean only you Duke ? Well my parents can send them but they hardly do that unless something is wrong. We need to go to Olympus asap. Oh and enjoy your stay Angel. Wait what do you mean enjoy your stay? Am I not going to be here that long. Well all Hell is about to break loose either you join the fight or hide here You in ? I guess so Alright Ex-Ghosts lets go to Olympus .

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