War Against The Vampires

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Come on we have an army to fight ! The Ex-Ghosts fall out of the shadows and into the sea of Vampires. In the midst of the battle I saw from the corner of my eye I sa Dracula sink his fangs into Duke's neck. There was a loud screach and everyone stopped and stared as Duke Levesque became a vampire. Johnny pov

No not Duke this isn't fair how will I destroy all of these vampires with out him ? A Vortex of lightning I started to run, running in a huge circle some vampires tried to jump over the black and purple lightning but I just simply jumped grappled there neck and slamed them to the ground. Faster Johnny Faster!! " Agh a purple whole opens up" Duke pov Johnny no were did you go ? " Im ugh running past all of you why? " Well we can't see you buddy " You called me buddy omg and why cant you see me ?" You ran into a whole . " Duke look at Dracula " Duke you listen to me im your master now !! Oh sorry you cant control a Hybrid ! No you cant be a hybrid only one man has become a hybrid ! Who is that ? Himm Duke follows were Draculas shaking finger point's, Who is that ? Its John Grant and his girlfriend Sarah Stover ! The VampireWolf and Werewolf . Duke im sorry its just I never got to tell you about John he is kinda like the greatest person ever. Hey Duke I um have heard about your skills and I decided well not really decided but I came along and followed the scent of these Damned Vampires and found you so here we are now. Dracula you bastard why do you attack others when you know I will come after you ? I.. I didnt mean to it just happens. Look at the high and Mighty Dracula scared of a Hybrid tsk tsk You know " Moves hand to brush hair Dracula Jumps " Im like Duke I have all of his weapons except one and he doesnt have one of mine . I have this sword made from your old armours that you died in and here it is The Vampire Slayer. Wait how do you have all of my weapons suits wings? Well Im the one who created you all except Dracula. " An I decided I should join the Ex-Ghosts since I enjoy writing about them" So you created us and now you want to join us ? What in hades firey pit do you want to join us were teenagers! Well im a teenager also . This will not work im sorry John but this really cant work . Yes it can because I come from the future ! The future is destroyed because of you Duke you and your anger got me in this Damned mess now i have to come back here join you and help you fix this stuff ! I don't have problems with anger your lieng to me ! " Sword slides out of Johns Armour " Now either you calm down or I will use this blade that sends you to Olympus after all they have been waiting centuries for you to return home . No don't send me back please I will never hear the end of it the god's wanting me to revise my power end everything with the team I can't do that . Well then it seems a regualr metal blade can calm a man such as you haha. Why I ought to stangle you !!

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