☁︎︎[in my cell]☁︎︎

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i just wanna make this clear that i wrote this before sapnap visited dream. Ik that Dream is lowkey going insane, but lets forget about that for a second lol


I starred blankly at the black obsidian wall from my steel bed. The ticking of the clock pounding into my brain. I could feel myself slowly going insane. The food is terrible, the room is unreasonably hot, and i've seen no one for weeks. Sometimes i just stick my arm in the lava to feel something, anything. Bad was the last one to visit telling me all about the outside. It's funny how everyone is doing their own things and how tommy thinks he is so powerful.

Sighing, i stood up pulling a blank book out of my chest and flipped to the first page. Writing takes my mind of things so im thankful for the blank pages. I sit on my bed with a huff and began to scribble down my thoughts. How much i missed home ringing in my skull. Home wasn't so much a place, but it was very much people. My friends were my home.

I frowned at the page remembering the good times of running around with sapnap and building the community house. Playing little light hearted games with george.


The person i know i let down most. Georges face scaring and broking me as i dropped the pen from my hand. To other people Sapnap, George, and I were a trio. We were always together you couldn't have one of us without having the two others. Behind closed doors, Sapnap was my brother and George... a lover.

He saw the best in me when no one else did and balanced me out when i got hot headed. George was my rock and he also was my weakness. A weakness that i wanted to protect with everything i had... if i think about it enough im in here for him. I exiled Tommy for him and took him off the throne to not get hurt. Little did i know thats when things would go to shit.

George avoided me after i took him off the throne. He barely looked my way and if he did i didn't notice, for i was too occupied in ruining Tommys life.

Before the day Tommy burnt his house down, I remember one thing so vividly. George and I sat on a hill, his body pressed into my side as we starred at the stars. My head rested on his as i pointed out the millions of stars scattering the night sky. Oh how I wish I could go back to that night and hold him so close. If only past me knew how bad this would eventually hurt, but all i wanted was power and fear. I ruined my friendships and my relationship all for control.

i was pulled out of my thoughts when the lava began to flow down revealing a certain tall male. Sam, aka Awesamdude, stood there but the chains didn't fall. "Sapnap will be visiting you in a few days. George agreed to visit, too." He spoke sternly.

My head shot up as i looked at him. I dont really know how to feel, but a small smirk took place on my lips. That was the closest thing i had to a smile in a long time. Im very excited to say the least.

a few days later

Today is the day Sapnap is visiting me and im very nervous. I'll be happy to see him, but i don't think it will be the same. He was probably hurt the most because of the brotherly bond we had. We grew up together and basically lived together our whole lives.

I really don't want to get screamed at, but knowing him that's probably how it will go down. Apologizing to him wouldn't be enough and i know that. When we fought before, Sapnap always had the most to say while i endured it. I would always talk to George when stuff like that happened, so he would reassure me and hold me. He would tell me what to do.

Now, im going in this with no support; therefore, things might go badly. He deserved a better best friend. A best friend wouldn't kidnap his damn fish.

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