☁︎[tomorrow pt.2] ☁︎

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part 2 is here guys :0


The prince sighed as he rolled out of his huge bed not minding the mess of sheets. He stretched before a knock was heard at his brown door. "Your highness wake up!" a cheery voice called. George tapped his way the the door opening it to see his Personal Advisor, Eret. They smiled at the prince. "May i intrude?"

"Of course." George gave a smile back before walking away for them to follow. They walked their way to the prince's bathroom starting the bath water. "Make it strawberry scented, please."

"you only do that on occasions." Eret chuckled putting the bubble solution into the hot water. George stepped into the bathroom undressing himself. The advisor kept his eyes to the wall until the prince was in the tub. "whats the special day?"

"Me and Sapnap are going into town. I met someone last night and they told me to find them." George spoke relaxing into the hot liquid. He heard a 'ooo' leave Eret's mouth before fingers were massaging his scalp. They continued to talk about todays event, and Eret said the man sounds devine. The prince chuckled at that before he got out of the tub drying off and throwing on a robe.

They made him a nice casual outfit consisting of a blue silk blouse and white tight pants. Those were followed by some black boots, gold jewelry, and his famous royal pendant. It was a a silver chain necklace with a sapphire in the middle. It was still early in the morning, so after Eret left Sapnap escorted the prince to breakfast. He ate well before retreating to the library and rushing his studies. His professor, Sam, wasn't too happy. Once George finished, he apologized before checking his watch reading 12:30 pm.

He smirked to himself running out of the library, Sapnap chasing after him. They ran all the way to the throne room where the King sat talking to a royal guard.

"Oh hello son." He said once seeing the boy and his guard in the door. "sir, Sapnap."

Sapnap bowed before they entered. "Hello Father. Sir Techno." Technoblade, the commissioner, gave the prince a bow before stepping out. His father looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You look ready to go somewhere." His father spoke and suddenly George forgot how to speak. In the mist of all the excitement, George forgot he would have to explain the situation to the king. Meaning, the king would react by wanting to throw a wedding and crown him as king right away. The prince was pulled out of his thoughts due to his dad talking again. "Son?"

"oh, sorry father, but yes i would like to go into town with Sir Sapnap." George said embarrassment coding his voice. Sapnap chuckled beside him earning an elbow to the stomach, so he clenched his stomach. His father raised an eyebrow.

"What are your plans?" He said with a smile.

"Meeting.. a friend." The small brunet coughed out. "Sapnap will be with me the whole time."

"Give me 10 minutes to talk it out with your mom. I'll have Darryl come and tell you my decision." George nodded before bowing, his guard following. They then walked out making the brit let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Him and Sapnap retreated to his quarters where they could talk.

"i think he is going to say yes. After all you finished your studies and you haven't left the castle in ages." The ravenet said sitting down in a chair and the prince took his bed. George hummed in agreement.

"what if Dream doesn't wanna see me?" Sapnap stared at the prince with a straight face. It read 'are you serious?'. "im just nervous ok. The last friend i had in town was an old lady."

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