☁︎︎[boose and blushing]☁︎︎

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-club au
-just fluff
-slight mention on alcohol

"if you dont talk to him soon im gonna give darryl your cat." the guy next to him groaned. his best friend, clay, was hopelessly in love with a guy that frequently came to the club.he is always occupied staring at the brunette who always came by himself. the brunette always wore nice clothing, and the way the blonde would smile brightly seeing the smaller one dance like no one was watching. they talked a couple of times, but clay didnt wanna seem weird. "im serious."

"i cant dude. he is just so perfect and imitating." nick face palmed and clay lightly chuckled. his best friend trys to be a good wingman, but clays shyness was a thing with this boy. he never stuttered when he talked to girls and was always charming.

"hiii!!" a boy said moving infront of them. "still trying to get this tree to -hic- grow some balls?"

nick erupted with laughter at darryls drunken state, but clay just pouted looking to the side. zak ran up behind the older boy and darryl squealed at the sight of his best friend. he whispered something in the taller boys ear and which made zak snicker. the blonde was utterly confused; while, nick was gasping for air to pull himself together. 'bad' detached from them disappearing into the dance floor.

"shouldnt you follow him?" nick wiped his eyes and zak shook his head. the nlack haired male shrugged finishing his drink. "welp im gonna go find rose."

clay rolled his eyes, but when he looked back infront of him a boy now stood inches away. he was wearing a light blue shirt with black ripped jeans. he has black old school vans on and two chains around his neck. clays breath was caught in his throat and he let out a small gasp. he looked great compared to the white t-shirt, green button up, blue jeans, and white forces clay was wearing. the brunette boy was infront of him and his two friends were gone. he had no idea what to do, but he couldnt look away from the brown eyes. "george."

"w-what?" clay was pulled out of his trance and noticed the small grin on the shorter boys lips.

"my name is george." he said and clay almost choked on his words.

"i-im clay." george already knew his name, since the first day they talked. the brunette thought he was stunning and his freckles made him literally melt. when darryl came up to him and said that he wanted him to meet someone george instantly said yes. its not like he was desperate to talk to the younger, but taller boy. how could he not want to be his friend? maybe more? they just kept eye contact for awhile, george lost in pools of green and clay lost in syrup.

george bit his lip. "wanna step out? its loud in here."

clays face heated up like a furnace. his crush, aka the boy he practically stalked, was talking to him asking him to step outside. how was he supposed to talk? nothing came out. he nodded his head fast as george took his wrist to led him through the crowd. the taller only focused on the tiny hand collaped around his wrist.

when they made it to the front and there was a several people outside talking. they sat on the curb, neither knowing how to strike up a good conversation. the only thing clay knew they had in common was darryl."sooo, how do you know bad?"

"he ran into me one time when i was coming out of coding." george giggled and clay thought his heart was gonna burst. this was truly a dream.

"you like to code?" the brunette whipped his head and his face was centimeters from clays. they didnt care though because they realized they have a nother thing in common.

"yea! i really only code for minecraft." george shrugged and clay gasped.

"me too!" they had smiled on their faces and nothing but bliss was in the air. they talked more and found more info on the person they wanted most. clay found out george had a sister, had a cat, and lived in an apartment at the edge of campus. his favorite color was blue and he loved apple juice. george (not) found out clay had an older sister and an younger brother. he had a cat named patches that was staying with his mom until he graduated next year. he hates horror movies, but loves disney movies.

"so then i woke up and realized i peed myself." george was practically in tears as the younger explained the embarrassing story. george loved the boys wheeze and it reminded him of a tea kettle. clay was just staring at the boy infront of him with a soft smile. the brunette pulled himself together and locked eyes with green emeralds.

"what do i have something on my face?" george said as a piece of hair fell in his right eye. clays hand moved on its own pushing it behind the boys ear. the older males face was tomato red at this point.

"no you're just pretty." he replied before pulling his hand away fast. he just embarrassed himself. in front of his crush. that probably wasn't gay. the blonde put his face in his hands to hide his blush. george just sat and stared cheeks still having the red color. he looked at clay and smiled.

"then what does that make you?" he nudged clay in the side with his elbow making said boy look up. clay smirked leaning back on his arms. he bit his lip before making eye contact with him.

"im hot as fuck." laughs emitted from the two.

"that you are." clay was a little taken back and licked his dry lips pressing his side up against george more. the brunette melted into the slight embrace letting his head fall on the other's shoulder.

"i guess this would be a good time to ask you out huh?" clay chuckled. george bit his lip before quickly pecking clays cheek.

"i would love to."


i hope you like it! ❣︎

i hope you like it! ❣︎

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word count: 1039

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