☁︎︎[loving you]☁︎︎

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tw// mentions of alcohol and s3x

George hated parties.

Maybe it was the crowded, sweaty rooms or the booze. It could also be the random people coming up to him and asking for his number. The fact he was always the designated driver, or the smell of weed in the air. The brit never understood parties, but he would go because he wanted to.

He wanted to go so George followed like a lost puppy. Sure, their best friends would join, but George always felt like it was just them. It was always just the brunet and the blonde. The late night calls and meeting up to rant about adult life. Soon things took a turn for them both and late night calls turned into late night flirting. Meeting up to rant turning into hooking up and leaving without a word in the morning. They acted like nothing happened, behind closed doors, George slowly caught feelings. Even though, they both agreed it was just a lonely type of thing.

He hated parties because of him mostly. Standing in the corner as Darryl talked his ear off making him watch as the guy danced with girl after girl. The taller brunet knew and would do anything in his power to make him feel better. Eventually, George had enough.

He started to avoid his friends, parties, and him. He only went to his classes and would hurry away if anyone called out to him, retreating to his apartment. Everyone stopped calling out to him making George a outsider, just like high school. He did this to himself agreeing to weigh it on his shoulders-burning into his pale skin. A burn that would only be healed by him, but George knew it was self destructive.

"Yea Mom, Im fine." He isn't. He is paler and has dark circles. He wore hoodies everyday to hide his complexion. Destroying himself was the only way to repress his feelings. "Im at the café now i got to go."

George ordered his usual, sitting in the corner window seat. He would ponder there about how long its been, 2 months. Sometimes, George would scroll through the memories in his snapchat. Two particular videos always made him smile, one being the whole group singing karaoke. The second video however is one he took after one of his and Clays "hang out" sessions. The brunet laid flat on the bed, shirtless, the taller's pampering his face with kisses. He scoffed to himself before taking a gulp of the hot liquid. The brits full attention was on his phone he didn't notice the person sliding into his booth. He looked up nearly spitting out the coffee.

"Hey George." They said.

"H-Hi Nick.." He said in a small voice looking anywhere but his face. He began to collect his things before speaking. "i got-"

"Please." The ravenet said. George finally looked in his eyes seeing the concern and empathy. The shorter sat back down with a sigh. "Thank you."

There was silence. Sapnap began to speak up. "Clay told me everything."

George's breath caught in his throat as he looked up at the guy. He looked back down after a second. "We all miss you george. Especially him. We all deserve an explanation."


His best friend bit the inside of his mouth, waiting for a reply. He was just about to get up when he heard small sobs escape the small british boy. "I-"
Sympathy was the only thing on his face as he settled in the booth taking his pale hand. George made eye contact allowing him too look at his appearance, it was terrible.

"oh gogy." He frowned rubbing his hand. "lets go talk about this at me and karls apartment, he'll be glad to see you."

That was the first time george truly smiled in those 2 months.


"Man i wish you were there it was so funny." Nick said as he stepped into the apartment door. George chuckled stepping aside and soon a head popped into the hallway.

"Is that gogy?" He said stepping out closer to the boy. The smaller of the two smiled, scratching his arm, and stared at the floor. Karl smiled before wrapping his arms around him. "You look terrible. Where did you find him Sap?"

"That café Tubbo told us about. Want anything George?" Nick, nicknamed Sapnap, chuckled before walking to the kitchen.

"Just water is fine." He said. Karl frowned at Nick before dragging the small brunet to the couch. They made small talk until the headband wearing boy came back with pop-tarts and a cup of water.

"Their blueberry your favorite, eat please." George rolled his eyes playfully before tearing the package open. The other two males watched. "When was the last time you ate."

"Like 3 days ago.." He said in a small voice. This earned him lectures from both of them at once. Once George finished, He decided to give them an explanation.

He started off at the beginning explaining the first time he and Clay did it. They were both in a very bad mental state due to family issues. The blondes dad had passed away due to Cancer. George's cat was beginning to get sick and wouldn't eat, dying a few days after the others dad. Sapnap never knew about George's cat because the brit decided to keep it secret. Clay's dad was a well known thing because it was announced when they were all together.

George then explained how it went on for about 3 months. He told them about how they agreed no feelings would get involved, but of course you cant control feelings. The other two decided he said enough decided it was time to just hang out. What George didn't know is the two boys texted in the "Feral Boys" group chat about his presence. They soon told him and he agreed to be put back in the group chat. Quackity, real name being Alexis, was spamming the group chat saying how badly missed he was. George didn't know if he was saying anything due to his number being blocked. The night ended at 9:30 pm with Karl and Sapnap driving him home.

Before he walked into his apartment, Karl said he should unblock the blonde he dreaded talking to. They said he hasn't been talking much to everyone and that they should probably talk sometime. George agreed only if Karl bought him a weeks worth of chocolate milk. He complied with the weird request before both boys hugged him and left.

George sighed deflating onto his grey couch. He stared at the phone sitting on the table. The desire to text Clay on the tip of his fingers and he so badly just wanted to hear his voice. He wanted to hear his name come out of his mouth and their lips touching. He debated on it. Decided against it, He grabbed the device and retreated to his room. Thank god tomorrow is Saturday.

He went to bed with a warm feeling in his heart, Karl and Sapnap's kind words engraved in his brain. The next morning he woke up on time and finally was motivated to shower. He made himself a nice breakfast containing eggs and bacon. After he ate, he decided it was time to catch up on some late assignments and work his teachers gave him to possibly make up his grades. George sat down at his desk starting up his laptap and getting to work. About an hour in he needed a break picking up his phone, that was on do not disturb.

When he picked it up his eyes went wide. He had missed calls from Clay. Not one. Four. He gulped hitting the notification putting the thing to his ear. It rang three times before someone picked up.

"Hello." The voice run in his head and sent shivers down his spine. He wanted to reply, but something in him wouldn't let him speak. He heard a sigh and the next part scared him, the boy started to talk. "I know you're there so ill just speak, you can listen yea?"

George returned silence.

"Ok.." He started off, but paused. The talking started again. "I know what i did was wrong. I was blind to how you felt because i was so oblivious to the fact you were hurting. This apology probably won't make up for anything, but i finally see you. I... Im in love with you George. Im so in love with you these last two months sucked without you and i just want you in my arms again."

Yep, he was sobbing. George was sobbing covering his hand with his mouth to block out his sounds. He didn't want Clay to hear him absolutely cracking.

"Whenever you want to talk in person i'll be waiting." He sighed out and then the line went dead. George moved his hand, tears running down his face, but a smile was on his lips. Clay loved him back. He loved him. He loved George.

The brunet wiped his tears with the sleeves of his hoodie before taking the phone of his ear. 'Tomorrow. You know the place.' The text was sent with a smile. He instantly got a reply. 'I missed you gogy.'

part 2? 0-0

word count: 1552

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