The Explosion

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Any names, places and other things you may recognise from the books belong to JK Rowling, not me. Quotes below taken from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, pg 272 Bathildas Secret

James Potter ran back towards his home, in Godrics Hollow. He was on his way back from the local shop, picking up things that they had not yet had a chance to get.

As he approached, he slowed, beginning to see the chaos that surrounded his home. Obliviators were everywhere, adjusting the memories of the poor muggles who had witnessed this cruel act. Healers from St Mungos removing two adult body bags. Lily was in one.

The heartbreak was too much to bare, but James watched on, opting to hide in a bush nearby.

He watched as the Aurors finished their work. As the healers took away the body of his beloved wife and someone they must of thought was him.

He watched Sirius Black, his best friend, break down in tears at the sight of the place, then as Rubeus Hagrid, picked up tiny little Harry and fly away on the motorbike Sirius built.

It was a sad sight. And there was nothing James could do about it. They all thought he was dead.

James fell asleep in his hiding spot that night. He was awoken by the morning sun, allowing him to see the full extent of the damage caused the night before.

Harry's room was in tatters, the roof had collapsed and the walls taken out by the blast that had occurred.

How Harry had survived that blast, James thought to himself.

He braved walking up to the gate. As he put his hand on the gate to open it, a memorial plaque appeared:

'On this spot, on the night of 31 October 1981, Lily and James Potter lost their lives. Their son, Harry, remains the only wizard ever to have survived the killing curse. This house, invisible to muggles, has been left in its ruined state as a monument to the Potters and as a reminder of the violence that tore apart their family'

With a tear glinting in his eye James drew his wand and wrote 'Good Luck, Harry, where ever you are' before dissaperating away to a place where he wouldn't be found

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