Chapter Two

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Skylor watched the young boy with curiosity. This was the second time she had to stay in the medbay with someone in just as many days, but she wasn't bored. The boy, who looked to be around 19 years old, had passed out, and hadn't woken up. Skylor could feel something in the kid, something familiar. Since she was a master of amber, she knew that had to be potential for an elemental power, but her own powers were too weak to decipher which one. She thought that Fraisure could help with that, since his powers were stronger in general, and he had less, making each one he had stronger.
Just as she was figuring out a plan, the boy started to wake up. At first, he just moaned. That wasn't particularly surprising considering that because of all the blood loss, he probably felt light-headed, and all the burns across his back. It was only 1 am in the morning, and Skylor barely got any sleep. She tried what she could to get the kid to calm down and go back to sleep, but she herself was light-headed as well.
Later, at about 8 o'clock am, Fraisure got up, and pulled his gi on. He would have slept with it on if Skylor hadn't made him change into pjs. Plus he knew by now never to leave your room in boxers.  As soon as he walked out into the living room, which was also the dining room and kitchen, he saw Silas and Fennec kissing. What a way to start his morning off. He hated when those two made their own little romance novel together. It was absolutely disgusting, and obnoxious. He turned around and went straight back to their room. He knew they went out of their room so he wouldn't have to wake up to that, but he was still annoyed.
"Tell when you're done in there!" Fraisure yelled. He flopped back down on the bed, leaving his crutches to crash down to the floor. He winced at the sound and rolled over to pick them up.
"Fraisure, stop being such a grump!" His sister yelled back at him. They had a very small house, they didn't need to yell, but yelling was much more fun.
"I'm not being a grump! I'm being an average person!" he yelled back at her. He could hear the two teenagers sighing in response.
Then he heard heavy footsteps coming towards his room.
"Oops." He said to himself. Five seconds later Kai was in the doorway, glaring at Fraisure, demanding an explanation for why he was screaming at 8:00 am.
Back up in the bunker, Skylor was still cobbling together a plan, for how they would go about testing this kid. Suddenly, she remembered something.
"Pix, can you come up to medbay one for me?" Skylor said over the intercom. Their entire house had a complex network of intercoms, transport lines, security cameras, and buttons. Lots of buttons.
"And Fraisure, I could use you too, if you really want a break from those two." She added.
"Wait, wait, wait, the bunker's sound proof! How'd you hear that?" Fraisure asked over the speaker.
"Your dad turned the intercom on in your room, and this isn't a closed channel, everyone in the house can hear you." Skylor responded. As soon as she took her finger off the button, Pixel walked into the medbay.
"You don't look like you got much sleep last night." Pixel observed. In fact, Skylor had been awake all night, but judging by the spilled coffee on the computer, anybody could figure that out.
"Brilliant deduction nindroid. You still run on half of Zane's power source, don't you?" Skylor said, rubbing her face.
"Yes, why?" Pixel responded.
"See what you can get out of this guy." Skylor said. Pixel carefully placed her hand on the boy's chest, feeling for anything.
"He's cold." She said immediately. She felt again and found nothing.
"I'm not sure I am the right person for this. Maybe Fraisure, or Zane." She said, obviously giving up. Right as she walked out, Fraisure came in.
The boy was barely conscious. He could hear things going on around him, but his eyes were closed and he could feel something keeping him down. He heard a door open, then the unmistakable sound of crutches.
"Why would someone be on crutches? I thought these people were ninja" The boy thought to himself. Suddenly he heard a woman's voice, interrupting his train of thought.
"Hey Fraisure, you know the drill on this." The woman said.
"Do I?" Said another voice, most likely belonging to a younger boy. That's when the boy realized he recognized that voice. That was the same voice that saved him from more pain than what he had already gone through.
"Yes, you do. You watched Cole do it with Silas, remember?" The woman said.
"Oh right. Speaking of Silas, I'd rather not see him for the rest of the day if that's okay with you."
"No Fraisure, it's not okay with me. You two have been living together for ten years, how do you still hate him?" The woman responded.
"Besides, I need you to get mad at him for me because he hurt this poor kid so badly." She added. The boy then heard the crutches coming closer to him, then felt a warm hand on his chest. He moaned. Everything he felt hurt. He was sore, hungry, cold, and tired. He was pretty sure he now fully understood the definition of pain. He could still feel the hand, steadily on his chest, just sitting there.
"He's cold." The boy's voice, whom he guessed to be Fraisure, said.
"Well I knew that." The woman said, clearly frustrated.
"Hang on, I feel something else. Something darker." Fraisure said, sounding worried.
"What do you mean?" The woman asked.
"I can feel ice all right, just like you thought, but I feel something darker." He explained.
"All the elements are balanced, there isn't an element darker than another." She said.
"Except one." he said, in a deep voice. The boy heard urgent footsteps heading to the other side of the room. Then he heard something click.
"Lloyd get up here, now." Said the woman, in an urgent and worried voice. They heard a yelp and a thump on the other end of the line.
"Lloyd? Did we just wake you up?" The woman asked, in a more relaxed tone.
"Yes, where are you?" Said a new voice, probably over the intercom.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know anybody slept through Fraisure's screaming. We're in medbay one." The woman replied.
"Why was Fraisure screaming?" asked the new voice.
"Just guess. And hurry up." replied the woman, returning to her urgent voice
Hey guys, early update, hope u like it!!
Word count: 1143

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