Chapter Eleven

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Okay everybody." Fennec said when they were all back in the bunker.
    "Here is who's going where." She said, laying out a map.
    "You've already lost me" Said Fraisure.
    "Too bad. Fraisure and Silas, you two are outside. Although, I'm putting you two in the exact same place because we all know how that works out. Fraisure, you'll be on the nearest rooftop spotting Silas. Silas, I understand that you can reconfigure vinch stone as long as you're not very close to it?" She said, looking expectantly at Silas.
    "Yup" He answered.
    "Good. When we are all in position, I need you to reconfigure the vinch stone doors on the cells. Kataru, you are going after Akita, Roy, you're heading for Zane, and Winter, you're going for Pixal. Everyone else is with me to get the other adults." She finished.
    "Well, what are we waiting for?" asked Maya, Kai and Nya's mother.
    "I have no clue, let's get going!" Fennec yelled.


    Kai was woken up from his surprisingly relaxing nap, by Jay being thrown into the cell. He landed directly on Kai.
    "Jay, get the *CENSORED*  off me." Kai groaned as Jay scrambled off him.
    "Language." Jay reminded
    "I don't care, you just woke me up from a surprisingly relaxing nap." Kai retorted.
    "The others should be coming in soon, it's around eight o'clock." Jay said, in a tired voice.
    "What's so good about that? We are stuck in an impenetrable prison cell, BEING FORCED TO WORK TILL WE CROAK, WITH NO WAY OUT!!!!!!" Jay said, starting to have a panic attack.
    "Calm down King Moron. I have a burning feeling tonight will be the night we escape." Kai said, looking down at his wrist.
    "Dude, that was the worst pun, I have ever heard in my life, and being a ninja, I have heard many terrible puns." Jay criticized.
    "Don't care, point is, the kids are worked up, we're getting out of here tonight." Kai said, brushing Jay's  comment off. Just then, Nya was thrown into the cell along with Lloyd.
    "WHY DOES EVERYBODY KEEP LANDING ON ME?!?!" Kai yelled. Both Nya and Lloyd landed on him, knocking him to his back. Nya groaned, rolling off of Kai.
    "I have never felt such pain." She said.
    "Don't worry guys, Kai says he has a plan." said Jay.
"No I didn't! I said I'm pretty sure the kids have a plan." Kai yelped.
"Well that's reassuring." Said Lloyd, sarcastically. Just then, Cole was thrown into the room. Kai snarled as Cole quickly jumped off of him. They waited around in the cell for a couple hours, waiting for any way of escape, but nothing came. At around the middle of the night, they heard clunking in the vents. Four people dropped down from the vents, but the ninja couldn't see who they were. Just then, four flashlights clicked on.
    "Mom? Dad?" Nya asked in surprise, looking up at Ray and Maya.
    "Dad told me to get Kataru, and I did, but then I decided to add in a couple more to the crew." Fennec said.
    "Wait a second, back up. Dad?" Ray asked, looking down at Kai.
    "Oops," Kai said to himself. He turned to see Skylor snickering behind him.
    "Hey, you shut up, and when did you get here?" Kai asked.
    "A couple minutes ago, when you guys were doing a whole lot of nothing." She responded.
    "Oh, sorry, did we come rescue you from your deaths at a wrong time? Maybe we should just wait till you're actually dead, then the process would be a lot quicker." Fennec angrily whispered. Ray, Maya, Fennec and Summer went to help the adults up, then Fennec gave Silas the signal. Slowly, the door in front of them started to break apart, eventually leaving a quick exit for everyone in the cell. They hurried out, meeting everyone else in the first floor lobby. The ninja, plus Akita, tended to lag behind out of exhaustion, but they kept up till the bus stop. They all rode the bus home, and gladly went to bed later. That's when Roy called Fennec up to the medbay again. There was a short email, heading straight to the point.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?

        -Louis Hall"  It read. Fennec quickly typed up a reply.

"Bring your worst, we're ready. We'll always win, because ninja- never- quit.

        -The next generation of Ninja"

Word Count: 763
Thank you all so much for reading this! I'm happy to announce that the prequel will start being released today!!

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