Chapter Three

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Skylor sighed as Lloyd walked through the medbay door.
    "Lloyd, when I said come up here right now, I meant with actual clothes on." She said, gesturing at him. Lloyd was wearing a t-shirt and boxer shorts.
    "Hey, you said get up here right now. You never said if I had to have clothes on when I got here." Lloyd fired back at her. Fraisure snickered, clearly enjoying this.
    "Anyways, we think we might have a problem here. See what you can take away from him." Skylor explained. The boy rolled over, moaning. Lloyd walked over to him, and placed his hand on the boy's bare back. He stood there for a moment, then said,
    "I don't feel anything." At that, Skylor let out a huge sigh of relief.
    "Good. We'll just keep him here until Zane gets back. Thanks Lloyd, now go put some clothes on." Skylor said. After Lloyd walked out, she turned to Fraisure.
"You can go too if you want." She said calmly.
"Mom, go have some breakfast, I'll stay up here and watch him. I don't want to be down there anyways." Fraisure argued.
"Thanks buddy." Skylor replied with a tired smile.
    Fraisure stayed in the medbay for about two hours, doing nothing. It was around lunch time, and he was getting pretty hungry. He didn't have any breakfast. He was about to call over the intercom to see if anybody could spare the time to send him a bag of chips through the transport system, when the boy started waking up.
    "Mom, Lloyd, get up here, quick." Fraisure said over the intercom.
    "Why me?" asked Lloyd. Fraisure thought about that for a minute, then answered,
    "I don't know, you seem like a really helpful person sometimes? Oh and Lloyd, do you have clothes on?" Fraisure responded.
    "Yes, I have clothes on now, we'll be right up." Lloyd replied.
    After about a minute, Skylor rushed into the medbay, Lloyd following close behind, with clothes on.
    "What's up?" Lloyd asked Fraisure.
    "Him." Said Fraisure, gesturing towards the medbay cot. The boy was moaning in pain, rolling over trying to get comfortable, and obviously failing.
    "Oh" Lloyd said, completely unaware there was another person in the room until Fraisure pointed him out.
    "Oh gosh" Skylor said, rushing over to a small tray of medical supplies. With nothing else to do, Skylor studied a wide range of things in her free time, making it easier for her to help anyone in the house who was sick or injured.
    She quickly picked up an injection, and caught the boy's arm as he was rolling over. Fraisure and Lloyd just watched her until she asked if they were going to be useful, or just sit there.
    "Oh, well what are we supposed to do?" asked Fraisure.
    "I don't know just do something" Skylor replied, as she loosened the restraints keeping the boy down. She carefully put her arm under his and helped him sit up. He gasped, probably still lightheaded.
    "Hey buddy. You were out for a while, we were starting to worry." Skylor said in a soft voice. He caught his breath and looked as if he was taking it all in. She leaned him against the wall behind his cot and got a paper cup out.
    "Sorry Silas and Kiko ripped into you so badly. But Kiko's smart. Smarter than Silas at least." Skylor continued.
    "It doesn't take much to be smarter than Silas." Fraisure cut in. Skylor just frowned at him.
    "Kiko ripped around your eye, it should be fine. Your chest however, let's just say she meant to leave a mark." Skylor went on,
    "Do you have a name?" She asked, handing him the paper cup filled with water. He took a sip and said in a shaky voice,
    "I can tell, that's all you know of your name." Skylor said, looking at him.
    "Well, that's okay. Not everybody here knows their entire name. Fraisure doesn't have a clue what his middle name is." Skylor said. Fraisure's eyes went wide.
    "Wait a second, I have a middle name?" Fraisure asked. Skylor just laughed to herself.
    "Your full name is Fraisure Winston Umas." Lloyd told him. While they went back and forth on that, Skylor kept talking to Roy.
    "Do remember what happened? The kids wouldn't tell me everything." Skylor asked.
    "Just an invincible wolf taking me down, and a really tall kid lecturing the wolf on mercy." Roy told her.
    "That sounds like Silas." Skylor replied.
    "Fraisure, Lloyd? Do you guys think you could take that downstairs?" Skylor asked the boys.
    "Mom, I-" Fraisure started.
    "No you don't. You know they try not to do that in front of you. And they definitely don't do it in front of your cousins. Besides, your dad still wants to chew you out for waking him up at 8:00." Argued Skylor.
    "Fine" said the two boys in unison.
    "Well Roy, welcome to the house of the ninja
Word count: 834

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