Chapter One

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Lloyd knew he was unconscious. He could feel it. It was a cold dark feeling, yet comforting enough to make him want to stay there. Although he knew by now not to stay there. This time was different, he normally had flashbacks. Small visions of the past. This time was just black. This time he didn't want to stay.
    Skylor watched Kai, as he kept track of Lloyd's heartbeat.
"How is he?" She asked.
"We've almost got him back." Kai quickly responded. Kai always seemed to know what was going on in Lloyd's head. Skylor watched Lloyd a bit more, then decided to start up the headphones. She tossed an earpiece to Kai, then one to Akita.
"Better not risk it." She said. She started up Lloyd's headphones.
    Lloyd finally got out of his little trance. He immediately knew he was in the bathroom on the drop down stretcher. He was pretty good at guessing where he was by now. He was awake but he couldn't move. He could only watch, listen. He had been like this before, it wasn't new. Finally, after about two minutes of doing nothing, he was back up. He sat up, even though he was still nauseous from the floating feeling.
"Any improvement?" He immediately asked Skylor.
"Well, this time was only thirty minutes. And you stayed stable the entire time!" Skylor responded, unusually happy.
"That's not exactly what I was hoping for." He said, disappointed.
"Well, it's something" Kai cut in. Lloyd jumped. Kai's voice always sounded so threatening after "the disaster struck".
"Here." Skylor tossed Lloyd a pair of headphones. Lloyd just then noticed that Skylor, Kai and even Akita were wearing earpieces that hooked up to the headphones. Zane had designed Lloyd's headphones so that he was at no risk of hearing anybody who wasn't wearing an earpiece. The headphones were soundproof too, so he couldn't hear anything but the person's voice.
"Awww, why?" He whined.
"We can't risk it." Skylor said for the second time.
"Nobody out there knows what they can or can't say around you, unless you want to walk right out there and tell them, you are going to have to wear the headphones." She added. What she was talking about was the reason Lloyd passed out.
    Lloyd had, over time, developed a deep fear of becoming his father. So badly that he had to be mentaly trained not to think about him. The thing was, he couldn't not think about his father if you said his name. That was the one thing that set him off. He sort of dropped dead, except he wasn't dead, just blacked out. The longest he had ever been blacked out was an entire weekend, but he was fine after that. The greatest danger of this was the chance that it would kill him.
Honestly, if that was the end of his problems he wouldn't have to worry so much about it, but that wasn't the end of his problems. His lungs. Because of the Tomorrow's tea, used on him as a child, almost everything in his body was messed up. Every physical thing on his body grew along with it, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that some organs couldn't catch up. It was like skipping elementary school and heading straight to middle. Basically, if his lungs stopped for too long, that was the end of him.
    Lloyd slipped the headphones on reluctantly and stood up. When he looked around, Akita wasn't there anymore. For some reason, he found that surprising, even though he knew Akita was very elusive.
    What Akita was doing was going back out into the bunker. There was a party going on out there, and it was getting a bit intense. Akita only came to Ninjago for special occasions. She lived in the Never Realm, and while it was pretty easy to go between the two, she liked living in the Never Realm, and she didn't like to leave it unguarded for too long. Although the ninja threw a lot of parties. Probably because they had the world's best party room. She quickly found the twins and Silas, and communicated without saying a word.
    Moments later, Akita and the kids were outside. The twins, Fennec and Fraisure, were Kai and Skylor's children. Fennec was the queen of fire, overpowering any master of her element. Fraisure on the other hand, was nothing special. At least not compared to his sister. He was the master of amber. He didn't normally train with the other kids, because of a balance disorder he gained from their last "adventure", and he got in lots of fights with Silas. He didn't even train with the other kids, because his training focused on arm strength, since he was the sharpshooter of the team.
    Silas wasn't like the twins. He didn't have any family that were ninja, unless you counted Cole, but he didn't. He was like Fennec, but with earth. He was the king of earth, the element, not the planet. He was also Fennec's boyfriend. That might be the reason he got into so many fights with Fraisure. Either that, or they just really like to get into arguments.
    There were also the twins' cousins, Summer and Winter, who lived with them, but they were younger and the twins and Silas sort of kept to themselves.
    Anyways, the kids and Akita decided to head down to the park so Akita and Kiko, Silas's wolf, could play. Fennec decided to take her dragon, Charlie, and Fraisure took his eagle, Philip. It was dark out, so Charlie was their main light source, illuminating almost the entire park. They were there for only a couple minutes before they noticed something.  There were two figures rising out of the sewers, their secret base.
    There was a man, coming after only the kids, for no known reason. They had all of Ninjago on lockdown because of him. Silas turned his head to Kiko, then got an idea.
    "Wait, everyone hide, let Kiko take care of them first, they can't hurt her."
    Kiko was made entirely out of rock, an elemental creation. No weapons they had could hurt her, since Silas could constantly feed her energy. And the fact that she would fight until the bitter end for the kids, didn't help the creeps coming from the sewer.
    The dog stalked behind the trees, sizing the men up. She darted right in front of them, then going back into the woods.
    "What was that?" The older man said, in an unusually calm voice. Before the younger one got a chance to explain, he said,
    "Shoot it"
The younger boy took out a small pistol, and aimed at Kiko.
    There was a loud bang, then everything went quiet. Suddenly, Kiko jumped out of the woods.
    "What the *CENSORED* ! I told you to shoot it!" The older man yelled, now having a hint of fear in his voice.
    "I-I did! I swear!" The boy argued.
    Silas looked to Fennec and she nodded at him.
"I'll take the big guy with Char, you and Kiko take the little one Silas, Fraisure, cover us." She said quickly.
Fennec and Silas waited for Fraisure to get up into a tree, then joined their partners in a good fight.
    Kiko tackled the boy, and ripped into his chest while he screamed in pain. Silas ran his fingers over the bleeding gash, and looked down at his own chest, wounded by a wolf when he was little.
"Aww, that's sweet Kiko, but next time can we be a bit more merciful?" Silas said as he stood up.
At least you didn't take out his eye, that might have been awkward. He said. He stood up just as Fennec yelled his name.
    "I need some chain!" She yelled.
He quickly raised his hand and made a tossing motion, formulating a stone chain in midair. Fennec grabbed it and threw it around the older man, tying him a couple feet off the ground to a tree. Then she quickly lit a large fire underneath him. She watched as he silently panicked until Fraisure jumped down from the tree and shot a jolt of lightning at Fennec and Silas.
    "Ow, that really hurt." Fraisure said rubbing his ankle, which had gone in shock from his fall from the tree.
    "That's enough guys. Look, you got them, you won, so accept your victory and take these two to the house so Mom can deal with them."
    The twins mother, Skylor, made most of the important decisions in their giant household, mainly because she was a strategic thinker, and had nothing better to do. Her powers had been weakened more than the other parents when she had the twins, so now it took a great deal of effort to use her powers. She also looked after the twins' cousins when Nya and Jay were at work, and handled training. Plus she would occasionally help Pixel in the bunker, working on new mods for it.
    Fennec and Silas reluctantly agreed with Fraisure, and loaded the two men onto Charlie. What Fraisure didn't know was that Fennec had set Charlie to an excruciatingly hot temperature, making the ride home for the men extremely painful. Sometimes the teenage girl knew when to stop, she just didn't want to
Word count: 1560 (Lordy)

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