Chapter Four

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Roy had stayed in the medbay after he woke up. He still couldn't walk, and he still had so many questions.
"Where am I? Who attacked me? Why did they do it? What happened to that kid so that he walks on crutches? Why doesn't everybody here know their full names?" He wondered to himself. He was cold, but he didn't have it in him to ask them to turn the heat up. He didn't have a shirt on, just bandages covering up the marks on his chest. He still had on the same pants from when he was attacked. There were also bandages over his eye, covering up the marks where the wolf had dug into him. He heard the woman, Skylor, he assumed, call the wolf Kiko. That brought another question to his mind.
"What did they have to do with that wolf? Skylor said she was smart, but she just tackled me, with no plan whatsoever." He thought. He also wondered who Silas was, and why he was lecturing the wolf on mercy. And the girl who attacked his boss, who was she?
Roy was no stranger to the ninja. His parents told him terrible things about them. His uncle had been lost, challenging Snake Jaguar to the teeth, and ever since then, his parents hated the ninja. He never knew what Snake Jaguar ever had to do with them, but he didn't want to find out. Although to him, the ninja seemed like nice people, right? They were all friends, except Fraisure and that Silas guy, he didn't know what their deal was, they seemed to care about him. He didn't feel as insignificant as before.
He rolled himself off the cot, and crawled out the medbay door, unaware of where he was going. His chest hurt as he inched his way along the walls. Suddenly, he stopped. This exact spot was different. Warmer. He laid down on the metal ground, but it wasn't cold. Eventually, he drifted off until morning.
Skylor came into the bunker early in the morning, only to find a sleeping Roy near the wall. She grinned. He must have found the spot above Fennec's bed and went to sleep there. She tried to wake him up, and when that didn't work, she just carried him back to the cot, and threw an extra blanket on him. He was surprisingly light for a suspected 19 year old.
She let him wake up on his own, knowing now that he was a very sound sleeper. Then, she went over to the control panel on the wall of the bunker, near the door. Today was Saturday, training day. Since the twins and Silas went to school, they caught up on training on Saturdays. So, while some kids looked forward to the weekend, the kids absolutely despised it. What made matters worse was that the weekend was Summer and Winter's free days, since they didn't go to school. The kids had started school in eighth grade, extremely late, but then it was only Fennec and Silas. Fraisure joined them in ninth grade, and actually liked it. Before school, the only other kids they knew were each other. Although Fraisure did get a nasty concussion after trying to do track.
Skylor turned on "the simulator" for warm ups. It was a mod designed for the kids when they were six, but still provided a nice challenge. Just as she was about to call the kids up, she noticed Roy stumbling out of the medbay.
"Hey, sleepy head. I saw you found a warmer place to sleep last night." Skylor joked.
"Oh, right." Roy replied, embarrassed.
"Just don't touch Fennec, she'll get you after she recovers. Oh and here," Skylor said, as she tossed Roy a white and blue gi.
"You don't want to miss training. Put that on and I'll call the other teenagers up." She added.
She watched with a mischievous grin on her face as Roy walked back into the medbay, very confused.
When came back out he saw three other kids standing there. They were all taller than him, but they looked younger.
"Roy, I'd like you to meet Fennec, Silas, and Fraisure." Skylor said, gesturing to each one as she said their names. Even though those kids were tall, Skylor was taller. She had to be going on seven feet. Roy noticed something particularly interesting about Fennec and Fraisure. He immediately guessed that they were twins, no question. But he saw that they were almost identical, even though they were the opposite gender. They were both the exact same height, they had the exact same, deep tan, skin color, the exact same hazel brown hair color, and their faces almost looked the exact same. The only thing that really set them apart was Fennec's orange highlights in her hair, and the fact that Fraisure had blue eyes, while his sister had one yellow and one red.
Silas, on the other hand, didn't look anything like the twins. He had deep brown skin, and long-ish, hair black enough it could pass for purple if you really looked hard. One of his eyes was completely white, which really freaked Roy out. He was a couple inches taller than the twins, and was wearing a gi almost identical to Fennec's, but with different colors. That's when Roy noticed the scar. There, across Silas's chest, a huge scar peeked out from his gi. Just like the one Roy had.
"Hi, nice to meet you guys-" He started, then pointed to Silas
"Your eye is grossing me out." He finished.
"I told you you should have worn the eye patch." Fennec said to Silas.
"Shut up" He replied jokingly.
"You two better not start or I'll take you both out." Fraisure retorted. While the kids went on and on arguing, Roy had a quick question.
"This is supposed to be what you call a team?" He asked Skylor sarcastically.
"They have their differences, but they're better in action. You'll figure that out soon." She said, as they watched Fennec light her fists into flames, and both the boys back down.
"Fen, pipe down. You and Roy are going into the simulator first." Skylor yelled over them. Roy just then noticed how much authority Skylor held.
"Fraisure, you're still not doing it today, head on over to the corner and we'll work on warm ups. Silas, you're spotting." She commanded. Fraisure went over to the back wall of the room, where there were a series of bars climbing up the wall. Fennec jogged over to what looked like the entrance to the obstacle course that Skylor called the simulator.
"Hurry up kid" Fennec called. Roy started walking over to where she was.
"Ok, hey wait a second. Don't call me kid! I'm older than you!" Roy shot back as he reached the start.
"Maybe, but you're really short." Silas called to them. He seemed to be enjoying this.
"I am not short! You guys are just freakishly tall!" Roy yelled.
"Silas don't start. I'll have Kai get Charlie to take you out." Skylor yelled from across the room. Before Roy got the chance to ask who Charlie was, and why Kai had to get him to take out Silas, he yelled go. Fennec raced to the first obstacle, swinging platforms that descended as you landed on them.
"One rule," Fennec yelled.
"Don't touch the water." She finished, jumping to the next platform. Roy just stood there, watching her complete the stage and move to the checkpoint.
"Hurry up kid!" She yelled from where she was. Roy finally summoned up the courage to try to jump to the first platform. He landed on his feet and whooped.
"How did I do that?" He yelled in celebration.
"You jumped. Now you better hurry up or you'll be jumping into the water." Fennec said, pointing to the sinking platform. Roy went ahead and finished the stage, and joined Fennec at the next one. He just stared.
"We call this one, the fire wall." Fennec explained.
"I'll give you one guess why." She finished, looking at the new stage. It consisted of five bars, things hanging off each one, that resembled the end of a flamethrower. That's when Roy figured out that they were flamethrowers.
"How the heck are we supposed to get through that?" He yelled in Fennec's ear.
"One, you don't rupture my eardrums. Two, you use your powers." She responded, shoving him forward.
"Woah, woah, woah, what powers?!" He said, using his feet to stay away from the fire. Fennec just sighed.
"Look, I'm getting about enough of you, so I'll handle this one this time around." She responded. She took her hands off his back, leaving him to stumble backwards. She walked forward, putting her hands out at her sides, calmly walking into the flames, pushing them back with her powers. She glanced behind her.
"Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to move your butt?" She asked over her shoulder. Roy scrambled to get behind her.
"This brings me back to the time Silas first came here." Fennec said, as they were walking through the fire wall.
"He didn't know anything about the ninja. He didn't know anything about elemental powers. He just went with what worked." She continued as they reached the next stage.
"Okay, there's a certain way you have to do this one." She explained. It was a circular treadmill, with a rotating platform with swords attached to the middle.
"What you do is you dive into the swords, then lock your back out so you rotate with them, then when a window opens, dive back out." She said. Then dove into the swords, locked her back, then dove back out. Roy hesitated then followed behind her. He dove in

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