Chapter Five

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Sorry for the late update!!
Okay, I admit it was a pretty bad idea to put you in the simulator with no knowledge of how to do it whatsoever. We'll try again tomorrow now that you know what you're up against." Skylor told Roy as she put stitches in his back. He dove into the spinning swords at the wrong time and one hit him.
    "That doesn't bother me quite as much. I do have a burning question." He replied.
    "What is it?" Skylor asked.
    "Well, I heard you mention that your kids and Silas had been living together for ten years, but they're older than ten. And Fennec was talking about when Silas first got here. What did you guys mean?"
    "Ah, smart. Well, it started when Cole was going grocery shopping. Silas was about seven then, the twins were six. Silas was living on the streets, poor kid. His dad abandoned him when he was a toddler and his dad tricked his mom into thinking it was the right thing to do. He had been living on the streets for around four years until Cole found him. It took a lot of yelling, ninja-ing, and paperwork, but finally we were able to let him stay. In fact, Fennec was one of the first people here to actually be nice to him, except for Cole of course. She showed him the ropes, her powers, the bunker, everything. But then she noticed something. She took him to Cole and as it turned out, he was like her. They were both the most powerful of their elements." Skylor answered. Roy just listened, truly curious, a feeling he didn't feel often.
    "Huh, and when did he and Fennec get together?" He asked.
    "How'd you figure that out?" Skylor asked in a joking voice.
    "Fraisure doesn't keep secrets very well." Roy responded.
    "Well, they were like that from the beginning. I guess they evolved so slowly, we didn't even notice. Except for Fraisure, he noticed all right."
    "Ok, you're good to go." Skylor said, standing up.
    "Thanks" Roy said back to her.
    Skylor left the bunker and Roy headed out of the medbay. When he got out he was surprised to see all the kids still training. Although while he was watching them, they wrapped it up. They were about to head back downstairs when Roy caught Fennec.
    "What did you mean by use your powers? When you said that to me? How do you know I have powers?" He asked. Fennec turned to look at him and then put her hand on his shoulder. She bit her lip and started talking.
    "When I touch you, it hurts. If you didn't have powers, I would be able to punch your face open without my fist stinging like crazy." She said quickly, and took her hand off his shoulder.
    "Hang on" She said smiling, then jogged over to the intercom and whispered something into it. She came back and grabbed Roy's arm.
    "How does it not hurt you now?" He asked, struggling to keep up with the girl. He suddenly felt her hand burn like it was on fire.
    "Oh" He said. She just snickered. They went through all the security heading out of the bunker, then down a staircase. Roy hadn't seen the rest of their house before, and honestly, it wasn't what he was expecting.
    "Mom said you can have dinner down here tonight." Fennec explained. She stopped when she saw Silas and Fraisure sitting on the couch watching TV.
    "Well this is an odd sight." She said as she snuck up behind the boys. They both jumped.
    "So you argue continuously when you're around me, but are perfectly fine when I'm not here?" She asked, annoyed.
    "Uuuuuuuuuh." Fraisure said.
    "That's really mature, you two." She said.
    "Follow me, Roy." She said. She walked down the hall, towards the parent's rooms.
    "Okay, this is my dad," She, pointing in one of the rooms.
    "Fennec! I'm not a museum exhibit! Get outta here!" Kai yelled.
    "Continuing," She said.
    "This is my uncle, Jay. Nya is in the kitchen right now. They share a room with my cousins, Summer and Winter." She said, stopping in front of another room.
    "Hey Fennec, I have something for you!" Said Jay. Suddenly, a small plastic trophy hit her forehead.
    "Most annoying child." Fennec read. She looked up at Jay.
    "I can tell you were going to throw this at any one of us, my name isn't on it anywhere." She said. They went on down the hall. They stopped in front of a room that smelled quite strongly of feet, cleaning supplies, and hand sanitizer.
    "This is Cole and Lloyd, they share a room since one, it's the only room we have left, and two, there actually isn't a two." She said. Cole waved, while Lloyd was napping. Suddenly, they heard someone over the intercom.
    "Guys, dinner's ready." Nya said. Fennec turned to the console closest to her on the wall.
    "We'll be right there," She responded. Then she turned and took Roy to one last place. They went out a back door to a yard. That's when Roy realized what was right next to the door. It was a large pin, made of what he thought was vinch stone. In the pin, was a huge wolf, made entirely out of rock. She growled at him.
    "Kiko,cut it out." Fennec snapped at her. Kiko just barked.
    "Kiko!" Fennec said again, lighting her fists into flames. Kiko whimpered and sat down, glaring at Roy.
    "This is Kiko and Charlie." Fennec explained. Roy seemed confused, then a small glowing dragon stepped out of the shadows. He leapt onto the fence, clearly excited to see Fennec. She turned to yet another intercom console, and asked her mom if she could let the animals in. Then, she hit a button, and a door opened in their pin, and they went inside.
    "Okay, let's go back in, it's cold out" She said, heading to the door. Roy followed close behind.

Word count: 1013

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