Chapter Six

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Roy was awake in the medbay, going over how he thought dinner went. He mostly just listened in on their conversations, but that was hard because there were so many people at the table. With six kids, including himself, and eight adults, you could rupture an eardrum it was so loud in there. That's when he heard a computer chime, and saw a screen light up. He got up to see what it was, and when he did his eyes went wide with fear. He found the nearest intercom console, which wasn't hard. The hard part was figuring out how to work it. He finally found the right button, and spoke into the microphone softly.
    "Fennec, you awake? I need you." Fennec heard Roy say in the middle of the night. She was awake, because she was cold. She wasn't really used to an ice elemental always in the house, and her body was really annoyed with Roy's presence. She dashed out of her room, up the stairs, and into the bunker, happy for an excuse to get out of bed. She walked into the medbay and found Roy staring at a screen. She came up behind him and read what it was. It was an email, from someone Fennec had never heard of before. It read:
"Greetings Roy. I've heard over the news that the ninja have taken you in, they believe you possess an elemental power. Don't listen to them, they are trying to trick you. Instead, act as a spy for me, and bring back whatever information you can back to the base. Time is growing short, within a matter of days I will commence my plan, with you helping or not. So, you may want to at least save your own life. You have a week to get back to me, by then, I will have started phase one.

            -Louis Hall"

Fennec frowned and said that they would discuss that in the morning, but for now, it was time to call on an old friend. Roy saw her type in a name, Martina.
    Skylor was very upset at breakfast. She had a good idea of what Louis Hall was planning, and she knew none of the ninja could stop it. He was a successful business owner, but had a terrible background. She, however, was glad that Fennec had emailed Martina. She was the master of the mind, and one of Fennec's oldest school friends. Her father, Neuro had died when she was young, so she lived with her mother. Skylor was already setting up a plan, when the guys came in for breakfast. She glared at them, as they chaotically walked into the kitchen.
    "Hey, what's up? You look tired." Kai said, as he tripped Jay, only to fall flat on his face along with his brother-in-law.
    "Oh, do I? Maybe it's the fact that all of our lives, including the kids, are in danger, and you guys aren't doing anything to help." Skylor responded sarcastically.
    "I can't help plan on an empty stomach, do we have any leftover pancakes?" Cole said. As the twins and Silas rushed into the garage with their bookbags on. Once he got his driver's license, Silas had been driving himself and the twins to and from school every day, so that the parents wouldn't have to.
    "Have a good day!" Skylor called after them. "Or at least a better one than Jay." She muttered looking down at the two men still sprawled on the floor. The plan was for the kids to go to school, then bring Martina back to the house so they could go over what to do. So far, that plan was going fine, but the plan to pry Kai and Jay off the floor wasn't. They refused to come up unless they got waffles. Skylor sighed and nodded to Cole, who just lifted them off the floor and onto their feet.
    At the high school, Fennec and Silas were explaining the plan to Martina, while Fraisure stayed behind them. He tried to help explain, but he started stuttering, which then made Fennec snicker at him, so just stopped. He had a couple classes with Martina, and he had a huge crush on her, which didn't seem quite helpful. Suddenly, the bell rang and the kids headed on to their classes. Silas could see Fraisure's face turning pink, even though he was looking down. Silas, smiled at him and said,
    "You need help buddy. Meet me in our room after school, your mom will never notice, she was up at one o'clock last night." Fraisure just looked up at him and sighed.
    After school, Fraisure and Silas were late for their little team meeting by thirty minutes. Fennec gave them an odd look, but just like Silas suspected, Skylor didn't even notice.
    "Ok, everybody got the plan?" Skylor asked. They all responded yes, but when Fraisure opened his mouth to disagree, Silas just put a hand over his face and said yes.
    After Skylor layed out the plan, the kids went up in the bunker to hang out. They stayed up there for about an hour, then Martina had to go home. That's when Fennec struck.
    "Okay, why were you two, out of all people, you two, late for an important meeting." She snapped.
    "Furthermore, why do you-" She turned her attention to Fraisure.
    "Keep dorking out in front of Marti?" Fennec had earned the special privilege of calling Martina by her nickname, the other kids had not. Then an idea crossed Fennec's mind. She grinned and raised an eyebrow. She completely ignored Silas and turned all her attention to her brother.
    "You like her don't you?" She asked in a playful voice. Fraisure just looked down. Fennec glanced up at Silas before saying:
    "I understand. Just stop dorking out in front of her, it's embarrassing for all of us." Just then, Skylor's voice came in over the intercom.
    "Guys! Come downstairs! Zane's back!" She announced. A queasy feeling passed over Roy. This was the person that the ninja had been talking about, this person, would decide if Roy would stay, or go. Roy turned to look up, but he just saw the bunker door closing behind the kids. They had forgotten about him again. They had done that a couple times before, he knew Skylor would remember him, and disable the security, so he didn't bother calling over the intercom.
    "Zane!" Fennec yelled as she got the bottom of the stairs. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him. He yelped.
    "You are exactly what we need right now." She growled.
    "Speaking of which, where is the reason we need him?" Skylor said.
    "Oops." Fennec said. Skylor sighed and pulled out her phone, to disable the security in the bunker. Then they heard Roy coming down the stairs. He stopped in his tracks when he reached the bottom.
Hey guys....
So I just finished prewriting the sequel to this, and I'm really happy with it. Sorry, but I'm going to post the prequel before it.
Word count: 1184

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