Chapter Seven

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Roy just stared at the, thing, in the doorway. This thing was exactly what his parents described Snake Jaguar as, but shinier.
    "You're Snake Jaguar, you're the reason my entire family hates the ninja so much." Zane stared Roy straight in the eye and responded.
    "That is true, your uncle was a criminal, I had to stop them. I'm sorry I caused distrust within your family." Zane said in a matter of fact voice. Roy looked down. He knew Zane was right, even though he was confused about the fact that Zane knew why Roy was so upset.
    "I know, but he didn't seem evil. He was nice." Roy said.
    "He wasn't evil, just mistaken." Zane said. At that Roy smiled. Zane put his hand on Roy's shoulder and nodded.
    "He's the one." Zane said. He looked over Roy's head to the small line the other kids had made behind him.
    "There are only a few people left to check with." Roy turned to find the kids with their fists in the air. Suddenly Fennec lit her fist into flames. The others quickly followed with their own elemental powers. Even Fraisure, who had accidentally left his crutches at the top of the stairs, was leaning on Summer's shoulder. Roy grinned.
    Welcome to the team, Kid. Fennec said with a grin.


Later at school, Fennec was taking time away from P.E, to discuss the plan with the boys. Everyone was knocked out the night before, and their P.E teacher understood. That's when something happened.
"Ow" Kai said, looking down at his wrist. He always wore a bracelet, with a charm on it made from the sword of fire. Fennec had a necklace just like it, so that Kai knew when she was in trouble. Of course Fennec didn't know that, because if she did, she probably wouldn't wear it. Kai was eating breakfast, while Skylor was on her laptop. He glanced up at her.
"Wait for them to text, it's probably nothing." She said, not even looking up. She had been waking up early cobbling together a plan, and hadn't been getting much sleep for the past few days.
"I hope so." Kai muttered to himself.

"Call mom!" Fennec screamed at Silas. She was unable to do it herself because she was holding off the flames of the explosion.
"Tell her to bring everyone. The girls, Akita, Roy, everyone." she yelled. Silas pulled out his phone and started typing. Fraisure was using ice and water to try and put out the flames.
"She says she's on her way!" Silas yelled. Suddenly, all of the flames went out. Something was coming toward them through the smoke.
"How can anyone survive that?" Fennec asked. She knew the most accessible way to survive an explosion of that scale was the element of creation. And Lloyd would never be persuaded to do something like that. As the figure came closer, Fennec could see more of the details. Blond hair, green clothes, just then she gasped.
Word count: 503

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