Chapter Nine

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Somebody owes me an explanation." Fennec moaned. Silas nodded in agreement.
    "Mom? Dad?" Winter groaned. Fennec looked around the gym when there was no response. Her eyes went wide.
    "Oh no, oh no no no." Fennec panicked. Everyone looked up. There was nobody else in the room. Just the kids.
    "We need to go home. Now." Silas instructed. Everyone filed out of the gym, except Fennec. She stayed lost in a trance until Silas dragged her out. They all piled in the car, and they drove home. Fennec still stared out into space, until they got home. All the kids went and took their stuff into the bunker, because they couldn't just stay at the house. Their parents made them drill over and over when they were little, what to do if something ever happened. Silas called the commissioner, and Master Wu, to let them know about the situation. Fennec just locked herself in the screening room to work on a plan.
    The kids stayed in the bunker and trained for days, while Fennec worked out a plan, and napped occasionally. She hadn't left the screening room since their parents were taken. Silas had brought meals in for her, but she was never hungry. She seemed to think it was all her fault. Later that night the lights were still on in the screening room. Silas had gotten up to get some water, when he decided to set Fennec straight. He walked in the screening room and saw papers, maps, computers, laptops, phones, sprawled all over the table, and Fennec yawning, trying to keep up.
    "Fen, it's one in the morning, you're turning into your mom." Silas said with a grin.
    "I don't care." Fennec said, annoyed. Silas frowned.
    "Come on Fen,  get some sleep." He said, but when he turned back to look at her, she was fast asleep and softly snoring. He grinned, and picked her up, and put her in her sleeping bag.
    "I've got it!" Fennec yelled in the morning. Although it was six o'clock.
    "Someone's happy." Fraisure mumbled. He had grumpy ever since he figured out that he had accidentally left his crutches at the school building. Fennec ran into the screening room with Silas close behind.
    "Roy still has his access cards into their main headquarters, right?" Fennec asked.
    "You know your mom would never let us get rid of something that valuable. They're somewhere in the archives." Silas responded.
    "Perfect. Now one of us just needs to go undercover into their headquarters to gather whatever information we need to break everyone out." She said.
    "Great, I think we know who just nominated themselves to go into death central." Silas said, kissing her.
    "I hate you." She said. Silas ran back into the bunker to pull up the archives. When Fennec came out of the screening room Fraisure and Roy were looking for the access cards.
    "Found it!" Roy yelled. The bunker's back wall had turned into a huge filing cabinet, full of artifacts. It was the safest place in Ninjago, so many artifacts were sent there. Normally the kids weren't allowed to go browsing through them, but the access cards weren't that dangerous.
    "Perfect. Silas nominated me to go in the headquarters, who else agrees?" Fennec asked. Everyone raised their hands. Fennec slapped her forehead and sighed.
    "I hate you guys" She sighed. She went back down to the house to grab some more supplies.

    "Well now I feel dumb." Fennec said. She was wearing blue jeans, one of Roy's white sweatshirts, and her hair in a braid. When they said disguises, they didn't have a very good idea about what that would be. 
    "Good luck" Said Silas, hugging her.
    "Be safe." He finished. She smiled and jogged out the door.
Word count: 631

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