Chapter Ten

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Hey guys!! I'm doing a bonus chapter tonight since tomorrow is the last chapter. When it's done, make sure to check out the prequel!! Ninjago: What Happened Next Season One. Thanks!!

Kai was laying down on the cold stone floor, exhausted. He had gotten a break in the middle of the day, which was lucky, his powers were relied on more than others. The people in the gym had taken all the adults captive, and used their elemental powers for resources. The main plan was to cut down expenses for many families. He was about to drift off when he heard clunking in the vents. Just then, he saw his daughter poke her head out from the grate, hanging completely upside down. He gave her a tired smile and asked
    "What are you doing here?" She just smiled.
    "I'm poking around to find information to get you out. Where are the others?" She whispered.
    "They were all taken someplace else, but we all get together here at night. Except for Zane, Pixal, and Akita, they were taken someplace else." He whispered.
    "The walls of each cell are made of vinch stone, so don't depend on your powers, you might need backup."
"Well did you have anybody in mind?" She asked. He stood up just long enough to whisper the names in her ear before flopping back down to the ground. Then, Fennec popped back into the vent and clunked around to find Pixal, Zane and Akita.


    "Well?" Asked Silas as Fennec walked into the bunker. She smiled and unzipped Roy's sweatshirt, which smelled like feet, like everything else in their house.
    "I got everything I needed. We just need to get some people." She said.
    "Like who? We don't know anyone who would help us." Fraisure asked, still grumpy.
    "We may not, but Dad did. He gave me some names." Fennec responded. She looked at Silas and started to plan everything out.
    Later that evening, Fennec was riding on Charlie to go find a couple people, who lived pretty far away from the ninja's house in Ninjago city. She finally saw the house, and landed Charlie.
    "This is the place, I can feel it." She said, as she patted Charlie on the neck.
    "How about you?" She asked him, he just grunted. She walked up to the door nervously, a feeling she didn't get often. Before she even had a chance to knock, an older man opened the door.
    "Are you Ray?" She asked him. He looked at her in surprise.
    "Yes, why?" He asked.
    "I need your help, I'm Fennec, Fennec Umas."

    While Fennec was recruiting some other people, Silas was busy trying to find someone in the Never realm.
    "Kataru!" He shouted. He looked down at Kiko, who was still trying to pick up a scent. Suddenly, a huge bear jumped out of the bushes and started growling at Silas and Kiko. Kiko started to bark but then something happened with the bear. It glowed, like the glow that Akita gave off when she was transforming. When Silas looked back at where the bear was, there was a young man standing there.
    "Why were you calling for me?" The young man asked.
    "Are you Kataru?" Silas wondered.
    "Yes, I am. My sister always talked about wolves made of stone when she came back from Ninjago, is that where you are from?" Kataru answered.
    "Yes. I came for your help, Akita, and all the ninja are in trouble." Silas said, with Kiko snuggling up to him. Kataru got a grim look on his face, then quickly agreed to help.
Word count: 603

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