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„Can I at least call for help?", Sungchan asks as he really has no clue how to get out of his current situation.

Neither that nor how it came to this.

The only thing he knows is that it's a big problem.

Just a few minutes ago he read what Taeyong texted him, so Sungchan can conclude from that that Shotaro must have either seen or heard something again.

„I wouldn't try if I were you.", Shotaro answers, the mostly shy boy suddenly is extremely confident, warns the other to rather not try what he asked if he is allowed to do.

Siting more on Sungchan's stomach than just the hip he keeps the older from escape, the chances of getting away turning rather into zero. Which definitely isn't a good sign right now.

„Well then I'll probably not do that..."

„You better shouldn't. I'm really mad now, you know? Why are you and Taeyong working together, why is he too trying to keep you away from me? Why are you running....", he says, first rather mad, then turning sad from the tone, making Sungchan feel bad somehow.

After all he never intended to hurt the older in any way.

And somehow he can get why Shotaro now is mad, he seems to have seen what Taeyong wrote him.

„Well, it's not like I hate you or anything, that's definitely not the case. It's just rather... wrong timing to let anything escalate before the album, our debut."

„Why?! So many others got together now too, Johnny and Doyoung literally just half an hour ago!"

„Well they know their risks, have everyone watching out over them as well, as you should have noticed in the groups. They know why we should avoid going too far."

„Like what? What's too far?"

„I guess I can't get around explaining..."


„Got it, got it. No need to be that angry at me, okay? I don't want to see you hurt, I don't like it.", Sungchan answers, as he strokes through a bit of Shotaro's hair, puts a lose strain back even if they're not that long or can stay behind his ear.

„Let me use some examples on why we're all so strict about this. For the shootings, we need to watch out to not leave any kissing marks, especially the neck is obvious. Similar to what Jaehyun had, the bites he got from Taeyong, it took everyone quite a while to hide those because they just make it way too obvious that something happened. And that someone here probably either is together or has a girl or boyfriend."

„Why would that be bad though?"

„The reactions of the fans. We don't know what they will be like, also because of privacy some don't want to let it be openly. In our case, we're new, for us it's gonna be nerve wrecking enough to just join and get accepted."

„You're right..."

„Those are only one reason. A good reason to avoid going all the way, in other words sex, would be the high possibility of someone not being able to walk afterwards, along with like over 30 bite and or kissing marks. A good reason to definitely avoid that."

„But, if you know what exactly to avoid, why don't we just not do it?"

„That's the point that sounds easier than it's done. If it would be that easy then a lot of things would be different."

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