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„Jeez, what's with Chenle...", Jaehyun sighs as he goes back into his shared room with Taeyong, who's sitting on the bed, reading through the lyrics and listening to the demo a bit.

They got the papers pretty late yesterday but everyone already started looking through them, to prepare.

„Something wrong?", Taeyong asks and put his headphones down, looking up but quickly looking back down on the papers again, trying to ignore the half naked man who comes closer, sits down next to him on the bed.

„Chenle who's nagging at me."

„What for?"

„Because I'm not wearing a shirt. I mean I often don't wear one so what's the deal? It's my habit to sleep without."

„Well... I agree with Chenle. Put something on."

„What why?! My body's not that bad!", Jaehyun says, pouting.

„That's exactly the problem...", Taeyong thinks to himself.

„Still, put something on.", he says, keeping his thoughts to himself.

„Nah. I'm pouting now.", Jaehyun answers, grabbing his lyrics and phone along with headphones, so he can start practicing soon too.

„Fine, then let me tell it to you this way.", Taeyong gives up and puts his things down next to him, gets up, climbs over the younger ones lap and sits down there, which causes Jaehyun to look up in confusion.

And just like the first time, Taeyong grabs Jaehyun's shoulders, this time both with both of his hands, before he bites hard into the neck of the taller one. This time it's longer so Jaehyun notices what's happening quicker as he instinctively tries to back away, which doesn't work since there's the wall behind them, also the end of the bed.

His second attempt is to push Taeyong from his hurting neck, just as he was about to grab the face of the older Taeyong let go by himself, looking Jaehyun directly in the eyes right afterwards.

Even though the shocked look on the younger's face is something he doesn't like, he can't help but feel the urge to do it again.

And it doesn't take long till he just goes back to the same spot again, only a bit higher, first gently putting a kiss on the area before he bites again.

„Taeyong, Hyung... ow!"

After sucking on the spot he had bitten for a while he lets go, gets a bit back to take a look at what he did, licking his lips unconsciously while looking.

For Jaehyun who doesn't even know what to do with what just happened, the picture of Taeyong sitting on his lap, looking at him like a snack is something as overwhelming as it it is unbelievable.

And what confuses Jaehyun even more is that he actually thinks that the older one looks hot right now. Very hot, attractive and sexy.

In just one blink Taeyong gets up from his lap again, sitting back down next to him.

„I think that should be enough of a warning. Now put a damn shirt on, no second warning."

„Yes sir...", Jaehyun mumbles completely out of it, as he slightly staggering gets up, grabs a shirt and then goes to the bathroom.

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