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And with everything happening everything goes by faster than expected.

All the promotions, online concerts, even the year itself and with that their project, Nct 2020, too.

Due to the project all of them are in Nct U officially now, yet still they will probably be split up in their usual three groups again, while Shotaro and Sungchan are still just in U.

Since they know they're probably soon separated again Yuta and Lucas have started to stick a lot more to WinWin and Jungwoo, as if they're trying to make it clear that they don't want this to end and don't mind the room they share at all.

By now all of them got used to it, it will be something they will miss.

But at the same time Kun, Renjun, Chenle and more know that the others can't wait to come home.

And that the situations are about to turn into a real mess.

Neo Dorm - Nct 2020Where stories live. Discover now