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„So, you Four wanna tell me what you know about yesterday's chaos?", Taeyong asks the four people who are involved in it, as Chenle and Jisung are in another dorm and not their own and Yuta went over to WinWin who looks like he couldn't hide himself from Yuta. Since Yuta still is clinging onto him.

„Why don't you look on Twitter, the whole chaos conversation is in there.", Yuta mumbles as he puts his chin on WinWin's shoulder, yawning.

„I'd rather get direct information, that way I also get more.", Taeyong answers, arms crossed as he for once sits down on a chair, as well as me, Kun, Chenle, Jisung and Yuta.

WinWin is stuck on Yuta's lap.

„Makes sense. Chenle, do you wanna start?", Jisungs says and asks, putting his head down on the table. He definitely looks tired, all of them must have gone to bed pretty late but since the dissuasion was at a time when some members already were asleep it's not that much of a surprise.

„Fine.", the older one agrees after a pause as he's slow too, tired as well and half asleep.

„So, it started with Haechan being annoying and excited about our project with everyone. Then he started to pull Mark with him, the usual teasing him. And that got out of hand, Jaemin joined in and pulled Jeno in as his victim and then they wrote on Twitter and more people joined. They were shouting so loud through the dorm that we decided to leave and that's how we ended up here. What exactly they were doing, no idea.", Chenle explains, slowly waking up more.

„Okay, good, thank you for that. Go wake up you all, you can stay here for now to wake up first. I'm gonna go to the Dream dorm now to wake them up, make sure to wash up till I'm back okay?", Taeyong tells them before leaving with Kun and Jaehyun following once again.

Now there's only the biggest mess left.

The Dreamies Dorm.


I'm just gonna leave this here

That's so much men...

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