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After getting changed Jaehyun notices Taeyong waiting for him, as soon as the leader sees the other one is finished changing he goes towards the first room of their dorm to wake the first victim up.

Though he smiles for a second, smiles to himself a bit evil about the mark he left, which Jaehyun failed and gave up to hide it seems.

The first victim in 127 is Jungwoo, who wakes up as soon as the door is opened and who seems to have anticipated that this would happen.

„Taeyong Hyung?", he asks with a deep and half asleep voice.

„Good Morning puppy Woo. Did you sleep well?"

„I did... is anything?"

„Just waking everyone up for now. The ones getting in trouble are still to come. Be awake till I come back okay?", Taeyong asks the younger one with a silent and caring voice, as Jungwoo hums in agreement.

Taeyong leaves the dark room again and goes to the next one, followed by Jaehyun who silently and obediently waits in front of the door.

Second victim is Johnny, who was up awake already, just didn't get up as he was to lazy to do so.

Third one, who also expected it and just had gotten up is Doyoung.

And with that the whole 127 dorm is done since there aren't more there. The rest is somewhere else after all.

So they both make their way down and leave their dorm, on the way to the next dorm, WayV dorm to be exact.

In front of which Kun is standing and waiting.

„Show me where they are, I'm gonna wake the two youngsters first.", Taeyong says to Kun, not looking at him, which makes Kun a bit scared so he just does what he's told.

As Taeyong enters the first room Kun takes a look at Jaehyun who is now dressed properly but looks really out of it and confused. And Kun notices why as well right away.

„What happened to your neck?", he asks Jaehyun whispering, but Jaehyun just looks back at him, then at Taeyong again.

„Ask later again with Renjun, I won't say it twice....", he mumbles, clearly showing Kun that he's out of it and not really here right now, at least mentally.

„Okay, but I'm really curious what has happened there..."

Meanwhile Taeyong went inside the room, opened the curtains to let light in the room. But the two younger boys don't wake up from just that.

So Taeyong starts shaking them a bit till Jisung wakes up first.

„Hm?", he asks in a deep morning voices as he moves his head away from the lights, looks at Taeyong with half closed eyes.

„Good Morning sleepyhead. Wake up Chenle as well, try walking up you two. Tell me what happened in a few minutes okay?", Taeyong says as he ruffles through Jisung's hair, who first lifted his body up but then lets himself fall back down on Chenle next to him, which wakes the black haired one as well.

Taeyong then leaves the two half asleep boys to wake up, as Jisung half lays over Chenle who tries to wake up while also trying to get Jisung down from him. But the youngest seems rather clingy right now as he doesn't let go at all.

Next ones to get a surprise wake up from Taeyong are Ten, Hendery and Xiaojun.

The difference to the 127 dorm is clear as here nobody expected Taeyong to come and wake them up.

Though he's still friendly here.

And not that mad.

Just waking everyone up.

Last ones are WinWin and Yuta. Though Yuta immediately grabs WinWin as he wakes up and cuddles him, even though they're still half asleep they behave as always, Yuta being clingy and WinWin trying to get away.

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