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„Sungchan, is everything alright?", Taeyong asks as he enters their room, knocking just to be save beforehand.

He's surprised to see that somehow the situation turned around, Sungchan just seemed to have gotten up from standing over Shotaro on the bed, who lies there, no motion as his eyes are wide open.

He seems spaced out somehow.

„Okay, what happened that this situation turned around? Do I have to be worried?"

„Nope, everything is under control. As long as I have the control we're fine. It seems he gets overwhelmed quite easily still.", Sungchan answers, smirking as he looks over to the older who almost in trance touches his lips.

„So what did you do to him to completely be in another universe?"

„I probably shouldn't do that again any time soon if he's always like that. I didn't even do much, I just kissed him. And I don't mean in the way you guys always do, way softer, I knew a bit would probably already be a lot for him. Enough to get him to be quiet for a while."

„Well then... I really hope you got everything under control."

„He just can seem like he did, he's either shy and cute or wild and confident. Since he has no knowledge or anything in this topic he's shy, helps me keeping the upper hand. Just don't teach him anything and this will stay safe."

„So You're probably one of the safest couple."

„Depends all on you guys and Shotaro's self restraint. And if he maybe will get why even just the start of that wouldn't be a good idea.", Sungchan says, him and Taeyong agreeing.

„Did that really just happen...", they suddenly hear Shotaro mumble, probably more meant to himself.

His mind is not with the real world anymore, that's for sure.

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