An imaginary plot of Kathir and Mullai before their marriage!!!!! This story is completely a breezy one with no negatives , no twists and no turns....
This story is all about Kathir and Mullai who are distant relatives, how they get to know eachoth...
There was a thick blanket of blackness engulfing the room and a quiescent silence except for the click-clack of the clock...
The space was choking in extreme chillness from the morning mood and air conditioner yet the two bodies entangled together in the wee hours were blazing hot giving a tough fight to the gelidness around...
Over time, the sound of the clock was accompanied by whining moans and groans along with more of puerile quips...
The banters shot up over time, so did the whimpers and wails... Yes, Both seem to be mad.... But One in wrath and other in want... The contrast emotions commixed and coalesced into a cloudburst of carnal pleasures...
While he was lost in her cute crossness that oozed in her raging moves, she was shamming a play-play moment for him to enjoy more...
When her lips banged him in fake anger, his lips obliged in fiery arousal... When her hands snapped him in forged fury, his hands embraced her in flooding fancies... When her body flared up in disapproval, his body melted in fresh desires...
Finally the tiffs and tuffles were over physically and still continued the verbatim as they cuddled into each other...
K : Oi...
M : hmmm..
K : sema sandai illaa... vita 24 hours um sandai podalaam... yena solre...