Nalangum Nichayamum!!!!!

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8.50 AM

The solo photo shoot of kathir was done...
He was called to the hall from him room...

He could see all the relatives had turned up for the function as it was about to start...
The stage was decorated so well with flowers...
A single chair was placed along with all decorated plates....
Deepam was lighted on both sides of the chair illuminating the place...
It was time for nalangu for the bride to be..
Along With more than 100 people around, he started waiting for mullai...

9.00 AM...

Mullai came to stage, greeted everyone and sat on the chair...

She was supported by her friends on either side adjusting her hair, accessories and saree while making her sit

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She was supported by her friends on either side adjusting her hair, accessories and saree while making her sit....

The nalangu function started...

All ladies started keeping nalangu to mullai by applying sandal on cheeks, keeping kumkum on forehead and blessing with akshathai...

Kathir was just standing a little far away from the stage along with this friends with eyes on thing happening on stage...

Mullai once she got settled in stage just looked up for him, found him standing with hands folded across chest and gazing at her with a smile...

With the nalangu function going on, he could feel a different mullai..
Always he had found her beautiful..
With makeup, without makeup, simple dress or dressed with extreme care no matter how she was, she looked beautiful...

But now kathir found her beautiful in a very different aspect....
Her face was gleaming in happiness..
Everytime her eyes locked with his showed pure ecstasy....
Her cheeks adorned with sandal couldnot hide her blush...
Her hands which were periodically adjusting the akshathai put on her showed her excitement...
More than everything the wide grin of satisfaction in her lips that competed with her bliss in eyes made her alluring...

Can beauty can be defined with internal feelings alone not with external features...

Yes external things can fade...
Emotions and feelings cant...

Kathir can get it now...

Mesmerizingly kathir was looking the customs done once in a while answering questions to people around...

When he turned around to speak something to jeeva, he found murugan and parvathi standing at a distance from stage just like him and seeing mullai with happy tears in their eyes... Parvathi was wiping her tears with her saree pallu....

Kathir unknowingly got a sense of ownership on those two souls who love his love infinitely...

He moved to them...

Seeing him, Mu and P controlled themselves...

Mu : mapilla...

Etha venuma....

Paartha Mudhal Naale!!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora