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PS home...

While all the family members are watching kathir's reactions, he took the photos out from the cover and started seeing it...

He was awestruck with the first photo itself..
He could not move to the next...
He was totally stunned by her beauty..
Beauty is just a word according to him doesnt do justice to her...
Definitely she is a epitome of beauty...
Each photo gave him a different vibe...
Her smile in the pictures made him smile automatically without even realizing he is in a crowd with people watching his reactions...
He started seeing all the pictures from first with a smile on face...
When the family thought he is done with seeing the pictures, he started once again to see that.. Not only once....again and again...

again and again

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Paartha Mudhal Naale!!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora