I Missed You

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                                                  The right one always stays, even in your chaos.


" UGH! When will she reach?! " Aryan asked Suhana being impatient and worried.

" Chill out boy. She'll be here soon. Don't do anything that will make her awkward and embarrassed. " Suhana expressed passing her beloved elder brother some cold lime juice.

The past month was HECTIC! All of them were busy with their own respective works. Aryan went for his shoot and workshop only after an immense amount of requests done by Kainaat. He was not ready to leave her all alone in an unknown country. Hence, he dropped the bomb of him liking her to his family. He was sure they would check up on her from time to time, also he appointed two bodyguards without her consent and knowing who would always follow her around and provide information about her whereabouts. 

The family was stunned and astonished. They were all happy but lowkey scared as well since they knew Aryan's character very well. They knew how psychotic and demanding he could become. However, with all that kept aside, Gauri Khan invited her to Mannat for a small family dinner. The moment Gauri and Suhana got to know it was the same girl who they encountered at USC, they were eager to meet her. 

On the other hand, Kainaat was extremely anxious. It's true she said that she would try to appreciate his feelings and even her own, and give this relationship a chance. However, it did scare her and made her feel absolutely vulnerable.

He was Aryan Khan. Aryan Shahrukh Khan. He wasn't any normal guy that had a crush on her and vice versa. He was Demanding. He needed Commitment from her.  He wanted so bad to let people know that she's his girl and no one, literally no one should mess with her or make her feel unworthy. Kainaat did know about how overprotective Aryan could become. She did know about the bodyguards, even though she never confronted him about it, still all she wished for him to calm down and concentrate upon his work. 

Sitting in the back seat of the car, which was obviously sent by the Khan family. Weirdly they were too excited to meet her, she thought. She soon drowned in memory lane. How she met him, how they had their first conversation, their quarrels, his confession, the whole kidnapping scene, the airport heated argument, and lastly their reconciliation. As if it was all written before, scene after scene, line by line; precisely. 

Well, she was kind of worried and frustrated. She still did not tell her family and friends about him. She knew that even though her parents were open-minded and modern, still it would be a lot for them to adjust. Plus he is from the entertainment industry and their personal life and space are always printed on the first page of a newspaper. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh, thinking about all the worse possibilities. Here, Aryan was ready to literally marry her and let the whole world know that he loved her, and Kainaat on the other hand was scared and timid to let her personal life become a gossip topic.

But, still, she promised him. She promised him that she won't back off and give him a chance. It's not that she didn't love him. She certainly did, it was that she wasn't always very vocal and outspoken about her feelings. 

Soon, she reached her destination. Luckily there wasn't much chaos and crowd outside the house. She got down from the car only to be hugged tightly by Aryan. 

" Looks like someone really missed me, huh? " Kai asked. A blush started rising her own cheeks at the thought of Aryan missing her.

" Much more you can ever imagine K. " Aryan replied, tightening his arms around her waist. 

Kainaat smiled, contentment taking over her as she rested her head over his right shoulder and encircled her arms around his neck pulling him more into her. It was always these little things he said or the mere gestures and actions he made, which made her heart race. It gave her those butterflies in the stomach feeling. 

" I missed you. " Kai expressed giving a small kiss on his jawline as they finally pulled apart. Aryan's heart started to beat faster than usual, despite all the peace and tranquility he was feeling. His Kainaat was with him, and will always be. He will make sure of it. 




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