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"T-Todoroki, what's up?" Izuku looked nervously at the other teen.

"I thinks it's clear to anyone that I'm stronger than you. From an objective stand point at least", he bluntly said.

Kusuo stood up.

Was that bitch gonna tear Izuku's confidence just when the psychic had built it up?

Like hell he fucking would.

"I mean-yeah", Izuku looked beyond awkward.

"And while it's clear you have All Might and maybe Saiki in your corner, I'm not gonna pry wether or not there's more to it, I will beat you", Todoroki stated.

Kusuo started walking towards him. He suddenly felt someone's hand on his shoulder.

"What's with the declaration of war?!" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah...what's the big deal? Why are you picking a fight, especially now of all times?" Kirishima asked.

"We're not here to be each other's friends. Don't forget that this isn't a team effort", Todoroki glanced at Kusuo, who was almost glaring at the other teen. Before walking off.

"Wait, Todoroki", Izuku said, the other teen paused.

"I don't know what's going on in your head or why you think you needed to tell that you'll beat me. And yeah, you are better than me-".

'Bitch you have One for All'. Kusuo deadpanned.

"I'm fact, you have the most potential out of everyone here to be a great hero. That's why you got in so easily".

Can you get to the point?' The physic was impatient. Sue him. It's not his fault these types of animes have a lot of unnecessary dialogue.

"Midoriya-", Kirishima cut in. "Don't be too hard on yourself and us".

"No, he's right. All the other courses are heading to us with everything they got. We have to fight to stand out. I'll be aiming for the top too", Izuku looked at Todoroki.


"Hey! Make some noise! Get those cameras prepped! This year we're giving you some of the hottest performance in the history of the sports festival guaranteed! But before we start. One question! ARE YOU READY?! Let mea hear you all scream as the students make their way!" Present Mic shouted from the outside.

The cheering truly was loud.

'Annoying', Kusuo sighed as he shrugged off the hand in his shoulder, that belonged to Iida, and made his way over.

"I didn't think there'd be so many people", Izuku mumbled nervously.

"It'll be fine. More people you can impress", Kusuo said.

"I hope we all do our best due to how big the crowd is", Kusuo looked at Iida. "We do have to get used to it. The hero life is full of cameras and news", the psychic nodded.

"It won't be too bad. Probably. At least no more hot topic wannabes", Kusuo mumbled. A few of his classmates smiled slightly.

"Anyways, Iida", he looked over to the sonic twin. "You do know much about the hero lifestyle, well it's guaranteed with your family. But I was hoping if you could tell me-".

"Give it all up for all of the UA contestants!" Present Mic yelled.

"Introductory Speech!" Midnight shouted.

Almost every boy got flustered, and a few girls as well.

"Uh...someone should tell Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing", Kirishima said.

'Not only is that outfit inappropriate. But it looks ugly', Kusuo noted.

"Yeah that costume should come with a warning', Kaminari agreed.

"Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game?" Skinny Nomu asked.

"Silence everyone!" Midnight shouted.

"And for the student pledge we have Bakugou Katsuki and Saiki Kusuo!"

The latter raised a brow, unamused.

He didn't even take down that many robot things.

Well...he did-

The pink and blonde haired teens made their way to the stage. Bakugou took the mic.

"I just wanna say".

"I'm gonna win".

Kusuo rolled his eyes. The psychic grabs the mic and sighs.

"Alright, fuck Bakugou. He's the Monoma to our class anyways. All I really wanna say is that coffee jelly is best. Bye", he muttered and went off the stage.

"Is that all you really have to say?!" Present Mic asked.

'Yes now shut it'.

A Hectic Hero | Saiki K | BNHA DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now