happy day

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hey guys I don't have much time to talk but let me tell you about my days.

do on Sunday this guy at my church was trying to talk to me and I was like why?

nigga you know good and we'll I don't fuck with you. he was telling me about his job like I gave a fuck. he is a really cool guy but he likes to hug me and shit and I don't like that. and he knows he's not allowed to. I don't want someone to hug me unless I started hugging you first. like my bestie we wouldn't be hugging today if I didn't hug him first and let him know I didnt mind him hugging me. but anyway this guy kept talking and so I grabbed my phone and was like can you call me to one of my friends. none of them did.

anyway after that torture was over with and done went to the store with my mother and this grown ass man almost ran into my cart and they tryed to talk to me saying this is kinda like football like I give a shit.

so now I bet you guys are wondering how this can be a good day. Ima tell you. so around 9 my old friend/guy I had a crush on for the past 3-4 years(its been on and off) contacted me. and we held a real convo til 11:00 we talked about many things and I laughed a lot. he told me he was just checking on how I was doing and wanted to make sure I was alright. and then I told him I had to go to bed sadly and he wouldn't let me sleep. he kept texting me telling my to talk to him the next day, and to do all my school work and a while bunch of other stuff. can I go to heaven now? and this guy understands me and he is one of the only people I know who can be equally as dirty as me or more he is perfect. so I went to bed in a good mood. ima go text him now wish me luck

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