i need an aspirin

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안녕하세요, 잘지내세요?
Another word hey guys how are you? so I'm pretty sure you have read the title of this chapter so let me explain the title of this chapter. So first off I actually could not get to sleep last night until around 1 o'clock. and so finally I go to sleep and I am woken up by the most beautiful sound ever. Is the voice of Kai EXO saying 이름 너 이름 뭐야 저 야 이름은 . personally I forgot what it meant but I think it means wake up excuse me wake up. whatever it was it was a beautiful sound and it woke me up so I get up perfectly fine and last night I dyed my hair purple with this new dye that I got I don't know if it was to work or not. So I get up and I brush my teeth wash my face and I get dressed and so I go to go and do my hair and I realize my hair looks a whole hot mess. What did I did was instead of like like soaking is? I mean instead of likes doing. You know what usually I dye my hair I bring it as soon as it's died has color in it and I was in a rush and I kind of forgot to do that and so the died kind of in a way dried and then made my hair look a hot mess and then so when it was dry I just wanted to break it instead of writing it when it was wet with the doctor. And that was my mistake but I thought that just braiding it will fix it correctly so tonight when I'm going to be wasn't like what my hair a little bit I'm going to brain automatically see if that works if it doesn't work tomorrow then I'm just going to wear them. L and the next day I'm going to just go natural wash all the time out my hair and do whatever I have to. But I stood in front of my mirror for like 20 minutes trying to figure out what to do with my hair cuz if it was up in a ponytail at the top of my head it look weird if it was a bun it look weird if my hair without it looked weird if half way up in the other half was in it look weird, in pig tails looked weird and it was all that mess and I couldn't really figure out what to do cuz I didn't have enough time. So I just put it in a ponytail at the bottom of my head and didn't do s***. So it was around 620 and I had about 5 minutes until I left clothes in the morning I leave my house around 525 and around that time. Because I have to walk the beginning of my neighborhood to get to my bus stop in my bus arrives around 630 to 640 and I don't feel like being late here on Mothers nothing was wrong with you why didn't you catch the bus oh you are stupid you need help and I just didn't feel like hearing that so she had my mom yell at me in the morning I do not feel like going to do that in the morning. So I was ready to leave but my mom hadn't left yet my mom leaves around 6:10 around 10 minutes before me 10-15 minutes before me because she has to get to work and usually are given to me while she's not there is my mouth time to really relax and get ready to leave get my music ready make sure everything is on me my house key right uniform looks correct and everything else I need that sound like my relax and prepare time make sure I had everything and if I missing anything I need to do something I have enough time to go and do that then I can put the dog in the crate and I can leave but I couldn't do that cuz my mom was all up on me and was all up in the house. So it's around 630 now and I'm about to leave and she was like I'll go get my phone from upstairs in my room. What the f*** why the hell are you leaving today I'm going to the first place what you do when you in the morning as you grab your damn phone and you put in your pocket or wherever you need it or you put down stairs in the area and so when you leave that are you can grab it you don't just leave it in your room. So into her room stuff and I don't live in a one story building or like a two story building I have a3 mother f****** story building I live in a townhouse and so I had to rush upstairs and grab her phone that I rushed downstairs and gave it to her when I gave it to her I left and started walking and it was around 630 then and I was not sitting there talking or I wasn't sitting there like I need my bus with him on a ride for another couple of minutes but I like to be there just in case so I kinda rushed to the bus stop and when I write I look weird. And so I put my earphones in and I ignored the world until the bus came. When the bus came everything was nice and quiet and I didn't have to really do anything. I then while on the bus got held up on the bus because of the damn mother f****** train. If you don't know much about the area I live in and I can tell you where I live but let's just say where I live there are a lot of trains not a lot of trains but from time to time at the worst possible moment trains will go by whether it be in the middle of the night or early in the morning a train will go by. And you will always hear it and know that the train is going by. So we were stuck in front of the train went out in front of the train but waiting for the train to pass for about a good 5 minutes. Its all the time and I'm going to be late for school. I don't like to be late for anything I feel like it's very bad to be late cuz if I'm late I might miss something important so I try to be early or on time when something happens. and so finally the train left and finished going and running its course and we went off again and we got held up at a red light. What the f*** what the hell what the f*** up I'm not saying I love school nothing I want to be a school but still I don't feel like being a mother f****** late. finally we get to the school and its around seven now mind you I woke up around 530. So it's around 7 and we have to rush into the building and we wish to the building I look for my friend and she isn't there and I was like where the f*** is she and I'm not about to eat breakfast alone so I had my other friend that was already sitting then I have her wait for me. So I grab my breakfast and I sit down across from her and I mean these dry ass pancakes are they gave us and I'm ready to wash that s*** down with some good old chocolate milk. I open the milk and I shook it and I drink it and it was sour. I was like what's wrong with the milks. I look at it well I looked at the date and it says April 13th 2015 . I'm going to let that sink in they gave me milk on the day that it was supposed to be mother f****** tossed out. And I'm thirsty cuz I don't have some dry ass sandwiches I mean some dry ask 10 cakes what the f*** I was so pissed God I was so f****** pissed god like what the hell. and so I leave and I go to first block and my first block is up some steps so I'm thirsty tired and got some stuff to get to my next class. Mon smile smile bitch. I actually did not say that to my teacher she's actually one of my favorite teachers so I just force the small out for her. And so I sit down and I start telling a friend about my spring break and we gotta work on some architectual s*** and that's basically the designing your utopian space and that was actually really fun cuz I made my perfect room I had a nice large ass day I had a part in it I had EXO in it I had hungry towel in it and it was just so beautiful. And then so I look around and I realize I don't have my folder with the information that I have and that I need for this project so I ask the teachers to go back downstairs down the hall to go to my locker to find my folder. And so I go out the door and I am hit by a wave of children. The sixth graders were going to an assembly. So I got into the heap of it and I finally got out and I go downstairs now I'm the hall go down to my locker put in the combination open my locker and I look around and you know what I found guys? I found nothing. Nothing. nothing I close my locker I walk my black ass up the damn steps again walk my black ass down the damn hall again walk my black ass into the classroom again and I sit my black ass down on my damn seat and you know what I find my m************ folder. The embarrassment and anger that I felt was unbelievable. So after class I go to my next class we have to write about some stupid s***. I'm so my friend walks in and she walks in with braids in her hair and she had blue and purple braid and her mother f****** hair. My friends skin tone does not look good with certain colors the blue and purple she had her mother f****** hair was some of those colors that did not go with her skin tone. Me personally I am neither a light skin or dark skin and a lot of colors do actually go with my hair and go with me. And there are a lot of colors that do not because I am NOT a certain color. But I still rock those colors like I am the baddest bitch let me tell you guys. I've dyed my hair many colors over the year and some of those colors I look the whole hot mess with but I rocked it and I made everybody believe the eye looks good I came in with confidence saying I'm sexy and I know it and this color is showing it and everybody believed it she walked in like I just got new Wii that s*** looks like a whole hot mother f****** mess you liking me like Rihanna she look like her dark ass complexion with some neon colors bitch if you don't pick that up today I'm hair make it was all look bad. And it was after that I go to my next class and a little work and we go to this assembly and I took a nap during the assembly. And then I go back to class and we do work and it was a fun pipework it wasn't hard it was fun and then we went to my next class why did once I went to my next class and we did all the work and I want to lunch then we went back to class and we finished my group me and my friend we finished first and so you just random stuff online nothing bad I just took a pop and then so my teacher looked at the computer screen he was like what the f*** is that and see Dracula's curse he doesn't like her out loud in front of everybody like so just say like under his breath her whole life be like what the fudge but like what the f*** he will crush but he doesn't say it out to everybody can hear it and so T looked at it and it was a picture of this guy but he was cross dressing if you are into kpop and you know K Pop is and stuff you know that indicate hot world they cross dress a lot and sometimes it looks good sometimes it doesn't this one looks good like he could pass off for a girl if he wanted to. Teacher looked at it and he was like what the f*** thats a girl he's just crossdressing he's wearing wig and some lipstick he was like that's a mess this is why I'm not into kpop this is why I'm not into that crazy s*** cause that s*** is weird. And then my friend Connor was playing around and he bang his head against the lab table and he got a big cut under his eyebrow but over his I like that area right there that is a big old cock rider nose bleeding and stuff and so he need stitches now. Yeah I was feeling bad for him just so bad. And then so we why then went to my last class and we did a little thing and then we are working the rest of time . so the ultimate reason I really need does aspirin that I have in my hand right now is because of the bus. These kids that cannot sing was singing in there being loud in there putting everybody on blast. There were like Oh who's the ugliest bitch you've ever seen at the school and you know the friend that I was talking about what the neon blue and purple he called her out he was sitting here she's so ugly and in that color make a little extra stupid and ugly and s*** and everybody else is laughing I wasn't laughing about the kids were laughing because you said group of people and they were laughing and I wasn't laughing. And then so we were getting off the bus and theres this one girl that when she gets off the bus runs to her house and I can understand her I understand when you get off that bus you just want to go but I'm too lazy to be running anywhere it so he looked out the bus he saw her and he was like Oh watch her trip over the car one day and then and he was just sitting here talking s*** let me tell you guys something. That guy and me used to go to elementary school together we were good friends in elementary school so you know I got some s*** on him and I got some s*** on his stepsister 2 or his half sister or whatever the f*** that sister is to him I got s*** on the little friend and our little friend and the other little girl that's in the back with them out of mother f****** out there and they said they're talking about this girl let me tell you they don't talk about me cuz they already know I got s*** on them especially the rain we are the one that does most talking I got some real s*** on him that's why you don't f*** with me that's what he talk about me and he knows it too. But yeah so what I really need right now is a hug and maybe a kiss on the forehead but I'm not going to get that right now so imma take a nap maybe I will I don't know.

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