called out

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Hey guys so today my friends called me out and they had every right to. So I'm friends with a lot of people so it is understandable if a couple of people don't like each other and that is what's happened in my group of friends circle thing. So yesterday while I was in class with two other friends they started making fun of this one girl she wasn't in the class with us. So in all reality you only one of the girls really has a problem with her cuz both of them just go out each other most of the time and so it was understandable for her to make fun of her to be upset with her cuz they had just gotten into it about a couple minutes before but then the other girls join in started making fun of her to and because they were doing it I joined in being stupid , making fun of her. And so when it was all done we last had a nice fun time and we were done so today when I was in class with another group of friends I started talking about how I was making fun of her with them because they didn't like her either and right when I started they stopped me saying you know you would not say that to her in real life you would not say that to her face so you should shut up right now. You have no right to say that about her I don't care if I don't like her, you don't like her, if the entire school doesn't like her, you have no problem with her leave her alone. You should leave her alone. And so I was like oh my gosh what the f*** have I done. At that moment I realized what I did. Me I'm the type of person that if I wouldn't say it to your face I'm not going to say at all. All of the stuff that I post on here these rants when I'm going off on people without going off on them I would say that to their fac.e with that friend that I'm going off on me for checking on another friend I would say that his face with a smile. that friend the one that went off on me for spilling some ranch on his pants(I didn't ) I would say that stuff to their face but when it came to this girl I truthfully did not have a problem with her me and her were like yeah we knew each other back in elementary school if anything we said hello once this entire year so I really don't have a problem with her I have one class with her we said on two opposite sides of the room and we don't even talk and I seriously would have no reason to go off on her or to make fun of her. But I seriously had no reason to go off on her and I started to feel really bad because if I was ever in her situation I really would hate that, I really really would hate it if someone and their squad and her friends are making fun of me in class and I find out. And it's not like we were alone there were other people around us and it wasn't like they're going to tell I knew they were going to tell but I'm just saying what if they were to tell and she was to find out in the one around the entire school that me and some other friends were sitting there talking about her in class and. Didn't say it to her face. . I don't care how mad my other friends got her how mad I got her as well whatever reason I had no reason to really talk about her because like I said I hadn't seen her in years we don't even talk now and the only thing I know about her basically is her name and what she wears to school. That's all I know she's smart she is she's in my class but that's basically all I know about her I don't know what she goes to his home why she does what she does why she acts the way she acts and I seriously have no reason to judge her because at times I do you look stupid at school at times I do ask you but that's old school at times I do look stupid at school at times I am none of my best and when someone messes with me I am quick to go off on them and at times . I've had my days I've had my bad days and good days and I'm pretty sure that she wanted to just wear some heels to school and I really had no reason to make fun of her and that was the thing. Because my friends were talking about her I automatically started talking about her it took me awhile to join in actually at first I was just laughing like haha your so funny I shouldn't have even laughed . I'm not going to apologize to her because she didn't know that I was talking about her but I will not talk about her again I forgot my own principles. I don't talk about someone unless I have a real reason to talk about them and if I do talk about them they're going to be able to hear and they're going to know I'm talking about that and if they do ask if I said something about them I am going to look at them square in the face and say yes I did say that s*** about you what the f*** are you going to do about it bitch. And I'm pretty sure if that situation was to happen between me and her I would be like no lie I don't like that I don't like that if she was to comfront me on it I would be very quick to lie and say no and blaming on the others and I don't like that. So if she ever reads this this is my apology to her for saying all those bad stuff about her I was being stupid. Forgive me.
It's a different situation then I'm mad at you, just talked about you for about 5 minutes just to blow some steam it was like wrong. Like I have done that before I like one time this girl just respected a teacher and annoyed me and my friend in the process so we were talking about how I go she think she cute she this top of that wasn't cute she needs help and after I like 5-10 minutes it as we were pretty chill we had forgotten all about this that's a totally different different different situation than just talking without a good reason. I really am sorry. & I hope I never ever ever ever get into a situation like that when I'm talking about someone for no good reason hey like I said I'm the type of person that if I have a problem with you I'm going to confront you and I'm going to talk about you to your own face I love you like your ugly ass bitch instead of going behind your back and say she's an ugly ass bitch I'm going to your face and may like your ugly ass bitch go suck a m************ dick go suck a cock and go die in a hole and that was not the situation.

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