the barber shop

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hey guys let me tell you guys about this nigga that wanted to meet his maker. So on Saturday I was getting my hair in box braids and so all day I was at the barber shop getting them done. All day weird ass guys would come in . Like for example this sexy Asian guy.(you know I love my Asian guys.) he had a beard (obviously a grown ass man) came in and me and him would make eye contact and shit but that was as far as it would go. he was so sexy until he laughed. I mean j have a crazy laugh too but his was like a dying hyena. and he laughed a lot. ( my cousin said she should have watched me closely when the asian came in because those are my people. and my personal prefrence)then this barbers cousin came in and I think he was high and needed a straight jacket. and alot more guys. like this one guy was across from me in a way but he was far away he saw me "looking mean"( I dont just look mean)
and he asked me how long I had been there and I said for about 7 hrs and he asked me if my butt hurt. I laughed I couldn't believe he had asked me that. it did. he say what I've be here for 20 min and mine hurts.
all of those men were very enteraining but the last guy I dealt with must have wanted to meet his maker I'll tell you about him. so let's start out about how I noticed he was in the room. he was (I think) drunk. talking about getting bitches and shit and taking about the club.*add eye roll * so I pit in my headphones on and ignore him but I took them out so i could charge my phone. then out of nowhere I heard hey you sexy hair. I didn't know who the flying fuck he was talking to but I turned to him bad idea. then he said not you( who the fuck is "you" I am not a" you ") and then he said the girl (woman) who is doing sexy hair. he asked how much was a shampoo.he truly saved himself because he would have met the Lord Jesus Christ . he was a but ugly nigga and after that he kept staring at me like can i help you. I have three modes
1. chill (me most of the time)
2.bitch (what you guys see or TRWread) mode( my true form the girl you don't wanna meet)
I would have skipped a mode and whopped his ass. I might be small but my temper ain't nigga thought but anyway I hope you guys had a better weekend that I did. love ya.

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