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Hey guys I come to you with another rant. I always come to you guys with rants. I know you won't judge me. And if you do judge me I won't know unless you put it in the comment. So this fuckery that I had to deal with today. So the day was great it was fine I wa was hella tired today but thats everyday and turns out me and some of my friends are going to be singing in the moving up ceremonies which is basically the equivalent of graduation we're going to be singing the Star Spangled Banner our nation's capital song whatever you call it our national anthem you so I'm singing that with some friends. so i had to walk out of the school to go catch my bus and we had to hurry up and run and everything so I didn't miss the bus isnt my first time so I know you have to run to catch the bus or the buses will be leaving you they will be gone so you gotta hurry up so I ran outside and I was looking looking for my bus and i sisnt see it cuz there is number on it and I didn't see it but I sae y bus driver in this other bus so I got on . Let me tell you this bus is dusty and crusty. i hopewe eond have to ride this for the rest of the week because school ends in a week but we're going to go on Monday and Tuesday for a field trip on Monday and Tuesday would be the official last day of school so around Friday next Friday will be my very last post I hope you guys will miss me it's been fun talking to you but yeah back to this so this bus was dusty crusty nasty and everything in between it was a whole hot mess and I hated it and the best part about it was there was a hornets nest in the little window area if you ride buses and stuff for school and everything or just rode a bus in school you know what I mean the little window section of the window shuttle thing hovering over little bit and the guy sitting there wasn't about to close the window so I told him to hurry the f*** up and close the damn window - I'm allergic to pain ok. then when we got into our neighborhood This bitch was like oh I don't want to walk home today. Let us give her silence before I go off............ She didn't want to walk home guys she didn't want to walk home. I don't want to walk home. Let me tell you about this situation like my teachers they told me I should either be like a lawyer or early childhood care director person that is with like small kids and I kind of agree in a way but I love law I love that I love being in the courtroom and looking person the other party in their face while I do that . but dealing with children is easy all you have to do is feed them change them and make wire they're alive like its not that hard and so I like children but I love little kids like babys and toddlers maybe like kindergarten. kindergarten is the oldest I love little kids because they are innocent now is all about if you would be considered popular but not like me im popular but im not popular you will see me hanging around popular people cuz I am there friend before they get very popular like my best friend at my old school and me she became very popular but we hung out before . But back to my career I would be early childhood care person too so in college I might just a double major.
So this bitch live in the beginning of the neighborhood I live in the back of the neighborhood. she walks down the street and she's home I walk down the road turn and then continue down that road til I hit the end then im home im not complaining that my walk home is like 5 minutes I'm very grateful and happy because there are people thats walk home is like 10 minutes 20 minutes you never know but i walk home in the hot and cold and all that's in between through hail and sleet getting my feet cold and wet with a full on polo shirt khakis and some hot ass pants on . That's not it i walk home with hurt knee and shit at times will buck and I won't be able to walk . and she is complaining. i hope you guys had a good week. Love you.

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