what you were not told

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Merry Christmas! I'm so sorry I have not posted yet in the longest I've been really busy with high schools and Christmas shopping and stuff so I hope this makes it up to you.


So during the day on Wednesday nothing really happened but it was a night that was most interesting. On Wednesday my friend was supposed to take me to the mall and go Christmas shopping it was supposed to be a kpop outing  and she wasn't at school. So after school I had called her and asked her if she was going to pick me up and if she was  feeling alright cuz I'm just generally worried about my friend. She told me that she was getting her hair done and shewould still pick me up and she told me that she pick  me up around 5:30. I said cool whatever I'm going to do that and I'm going to be home in time to do everything I need to do. I don't get home till 4 o'clock even though I get out of school at at 2 and it was because I had to pick up  the children I don't know why it takes two hours to pick up children but..

I got home at 4 and  started  dinner and I took a quick shower got dressed and then I finished dinner ate dinner and by around five and I was ready. So I decided to watch some dramas and then I was bored so I just played on my phone. She got to my house around 5:40 because she was picking up another friend she got held up there cause we live so far away from each other. So we got to the mall around 6 o'clock I don't live too far fromtje mall  and so we had two hours to kill and we went to many different stores to go Christmas shopping we went into Victoria's Secret, we went to Bath and Body Works, and hot topics and many other stores. But we also got some bubble tea if you dont know what bubble tea is it is this tea in Korea and is really good in America but I bet it's even better in Korea but they have a little rice ball at the bottom of it and they are  edible. Just be careful if you drink it because you could choke on a rice ball very easily I did. I was in hot topic looking at the Black Butler shirt and a host club shirt. And while I was looking at Sebastian I choked on a rice ball and nobody did anything to help me. My friend started laughing. Like what if I died in hot topics that will be a hot topic right there. So around 8:30 we got picked up and I was home by 8:50 and I did not write a story for Wednesday because I was tired and I had to get ready for a test the next day.


I don't remember Thursday the only thing I rememberr from Thursday is the cop at my school calling me and my best friend a sweetheart couple. after school I had to go to one of the high schools I applied for for placement test. My mom and me got at the school around 3:40 and we went in. We were on time the test paper said to be there by 3:40. So we go in and this women that worked there looked  at all the people she was like oh my goodness look how early you guys are you guys you early birds. What the f*** how the hell we are early if we got here on time. The paper said that if you're here any later than 4 then you're late and you will not be accepted in. So my mom signed me in and she dropped me off and then everybody gets along and we go to this room. My first test with math. Let me tell you the b**** said 40 to 50 questions and it was 55 questions. That test was hard too. it was asking me questions like x-y= 500 b**** the f*** am I supposed to know. I'm so after every question I wanted to cry. The test would  just not stop giving me questions. so finally I finish my math test. Then I start my English test. We had to read these long ass passages for this one little ass question. And we continued on this over and over again. I actually did not count how many questions I had on that test. Because I was just too damn tired to care. So I finish my ela test and all ready to go home. So then the b**** tells me you're going to go do an essay now. The fuck. The f*** . I was angry because the paper  never said s*** about an essay. So I go into this room with a whole bunch of  other mother fuckers. & I start writing out my essay. i rote page and a half. And when I was done I went home. And then I went to bed cuz I didn't get home until around 8 o'clock. And I still had to write out and do my homework. I had to read and do a current event and do other shit. So I didn't finish my homework until around 12. So tired and I wasn't going to stress myself. Sorry guys I'm more important.

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