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Hey guys can I do like a little vent because i was not actually planning on posting anything because nothing has been happening in my life so far that is worth telling about but something just happened yesterday and I was busy so I couldn't really vent if you want to know what I'm mad about then continue reading.   

So last night I had a whole bunch of homework to do and I was doing it and then I texted my friend because I was bored and I didn't want to work anymore. So I said hello and he was like Hello and then i was like what are you doing and  he was like bout to take a shower. So I was like okay I'll leave you alone. But then he proceeds to tell me that my best friend was upset. I'm trying to find out why. Tell me what happened what's wrong why is she upset and all the shit. So he isn't replying so I go to her and I'm like girl what happened are you okay if anybody mess with you there you know I'm a f*** him up real quick. And then so she replies no I'm fine what's wrong. & I said because I heard that you were upset so I was just trying to see what's wrong with you.  and then so she was like no I'm not upset then  I go back to him and I'm like what are you talking about shes  not upset at all. And then he replies you don't have to do that.I was like what are you talking about I mean she's my best friend of course I'm going to worry about it if you say that she's upset. He was like its between me and her you should have gotten into it. First of all I never gotten s*** she told me nothing was wrong and so I left it alone and if it was private information then she would have told me its private information but she's my best friend so there should be no private information between us. And then so i been  want to f*** him up anyway. Cuz I been wantig  a reason because I don't like him . Anyway so he's going off on me told me about his private business and how I shouldnt have gotten it and then he was talking about how I had private business and information between me and my other guy best friend and I was like what are you talking about me and my other guy friends we've never had a private information if anything happened the other two new I mean its not like I only had two friends it's just that they were in my class. So he is going off with me tell me I should have gotten it it wasn't my business to get in it. And it was like 10 and I didn't feel like trying to correct anything cuz he was just going off. And so I was just like okay fine whatever I don't care anymore. And then he was like thank you.

First of all I never got in s*** second of all what the f*** do you have to hide from me. I know I'm going to another school and I know I'm not with you guys all the time but seriously what are you hiding. Also anything that would hurt her I'm guessing he did something to her and doesnt want to tell me because   he knows that I'm quick to f*** anybody up who  f****** my best friend so I'm trying to find out what he did or what happened. I did not care I take that back I'm not going to say I didn't care about what he said about what happened. I'm just saying she  is my best friend if she doesn't want me to know something then I don't care about it anymore it's like you're my best friendand im worried about you but I'ma leave it alone if you tell me to leave it alone. And that's what she did she brush it off like nothing happened. And that's why did he bring up a conversation s*** talking about all this s*** like to stay out of it has nothing to do with you they're actually does have s*** to do with me if its my best friend cuz I sure as hell no that if I have problem with somebody I'm going to a best friend for help. Why in the hell are you going off on me is not like she actually told me what happened did some s*** that upset her and he knows that he done did the s*** that would upset her and enough to come to me and tell me. Also he knows I'm not afraid to beat his ass  either. Me and him are not  exactly on good terms anyway I mean like we're not that close of friends. The only reason I actually hung around him was because he kept hanging around us and we couldn't get rid of him. It was just the three of us me and my friend and my other friend one girl and one guy and it was just a three of us we were planning on keeping it on the first week of school he decided we find nobody want to be his friend. And then we'll and all the s*** that I've had it wasn't like we had told him to leave us alone and then we wouldn't permit. And so we were that close. And he's already on my last mother f****** nerve they're trying to f*** with her trying to mess around like that cuz here I try to let me know because of it. And so for him to do something to her and that's the last I don't give a s*** about you do something to me but you do something to my best friend I'm going to have a problem with you. But I don't know what the f*** happened I don't know why the f*** he was quick to go off on me but it ain't gonna happen again. I was half asleep when I was trying to get some work done so I did not have enough time to reply my  last response beacause i was sitting there thinking  n**** what the f*** you talking to cuz I can sure as hell nothing that have you been to do something to f*** with her or upset you know I'm going to whoop your ass. So you might as well tell me now cuz I had a paragraph in my mind ready to tell him but no I was trying to get my work done too I'm trying to get a good grade. And actually I didn't ask until around 11 cuz I was going to try to finish it because he would hold me back soon and trying to go off on me about reading shit. See I'm done with him like  I never really liked him and he just kept hanging around. But anyway like I was saying he had no reason to go off on me and if he does it again I'm ending the friendship was it's not about your not about to yell at me cuz I didn't do s*** I don't know s*** and let me find out what you did f*** with her the wrong way he's going to get his ass whooped.

Hey guys I hope you guys like my rent this is all true actually happened and this is exactly the reason that I made the story about my life because my life is interesting and strange s*** happens in it.

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