chapter eight

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“Fox!!!” James shouted chasing him around while I sat there trying not to pee myself laughing. Fox stole some ham from me so James chased him around. Finally James got the ham and threw it away. “Breath!” James said sitting down. I eventually I stopped laughing and cuddled up with James. “How was I lucky to get you?” he asked. “James I was the lucky one…I thought I lost you” I said. “But you got me back” he said running fingers through my hair “And no one will tear us apart” I smiled as the door bell rang. “Whos that?” I asked. “Maybe I should find out” James said getting up, I pouted as I fell onto the couch “My pillow!” I shout trying to not laugh. “Niall?” my head shot up “WHAT THE FORK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” I shouted

Niall stood at the door looking at me. James was looking at Niall and I hid my face on the couch cushion. “what about that text I sent a few months ago did he not understand?” I mumbled into the couch “Can we talk?” Niall asked from the door “Not now we are busy” James said trying to shut the door. Niall held it open with his hand “I want Skyler to tell me that.” I looked at him “Go away” I said. Niall’s hand fell off the door and James shut it. I put my face back in the couch and screamed. “WHY IS HE BACK!” I shouted when James had me sit up. “I don’t know” James looked at me searching my face “James what are you doing” James shrugged “If your thinking ill go back to him I wont. James my heart belongs to you” I said kissing him. “I know. And my heart will always be yours” he replied kissing me. “James…what if he trys to stop the wedding?” James looked my straight in the eye “I wont let that happen.” I smiled and wrapped my arms around his stomach resting my head on his chest. “Best. Christmas. Ever” he whispered as Fox climbed in his lap. “and we got to spend it with the best people ever” I added. James kissed the top of my head (I think he missed me he kisses my head a lot Lol) and wrapped an arm around me.

I woke up still on the couch wrapped in James’s arms. I smiled and buried my head deeper into his chest “Are you awake baby?” James whispered. I nodded and sighed. “Are you hungry?” I looked up at him “Not really are you hungry?” I asked sitting up “nope” I nodded and looked at Fox. “He loved his daddy” I said petting him “He was in my lap all night” I smiled and kissed James cheek. “What are we doing today?” I asked “We can relax and watch movies” He answered looking at me “Sound great!” I got up “After a shower” I said walking upstairs.

I found my fuzzy pants and put them on along with a tank top and one of James jackets, I feel small when I wear them. I ran down the stairs and into the living room, jumping on James lap. “Ready?!” I asked. “Yep I have a movie in already so get comfy so we can watch it” I smiled and stood up “Wait why are you where my coat?” James asked grabbing the back of the coat “Because you love me!”  James smiled and let go. “Where’d Fox go?” “He had to go potty so I let him out. Hes out back.” I pulled James up and we went out back “Why did I have to come?” he asked. “Why wouldn’t you?” I opened the back door and Fox ran in. Shutting the door I turned to James. “Maybe we don’t need a movie day” James said looking at his phone “Why?” he looked at me “The guys want to hang out” I smiled and nodded “Have fun” I said “I need to change. I can see if-“ “No its Guys time” I said cutting him off. “Okay thanks baby” he kissed me then went up stairs. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. “What do you want to watch Fox?” I scrolled thru the channels until I found on I liked. “GOTTA LIVE IT BIG TIME!” I shouted as the door bell rang. I got up and walked over to it. “Hel- I thought I said go away” I snapped at Niall. “Not leaving” he said. “Ja-“ Niall cover my mouth “Don’t say a word...” I nodded slowly as I heard foot steps down the stairs. “Skyler?” Niall pulled me out the door and  into a car. I squirmed but couldn’t get away. James  walked outside and saw us “NIALL!” he shouted. Niall stopped “Yes?” “Let go of my fiancée” Niall looked at me then at him “Nope. Because shes isn’t your fiancée any more” Niall took my ring off and threw it at James. I kicked Niall but he didn’t let go. “Niall?” He spun us around “Oh Hey Kendall, Logan, Carlos” he said slowly fading. My wrist started hurting from Nialls grip and tears streamed from my eyes. “What are you doing?” Logan asked. “N-Nothing” Logan looked at James then me then Niall. “Dude Let her go. James will hurt you” he warned. “Sure he will” I felt a push and Niall let me go.  I fell to the ground and Carlos helped me up. He had Kendall stand with me as him and Logan got James off of Niall. Niall was laying on the ground, nose bleeding and I think a black eye. James had one arm held my Logan the other Carlos, his face red and his breathing was fast. Kendall held me in his arms as I let the tears fall, from falling and being scared. James looked at me and stopped fighting Logan and Carlos. Kendall let me go and I ran to James.  James pulled me into his chest and stared at Niall “Never. Ever. Touch Her Again” he said threw his teeth. “Ill be back. You cant keep me away from my love” Niall said James held me tighter “I swear if you touch her again…” he started. “Youll what?” I tighten my grip around James “James please stop” I whispered. James didn’t say another word as Niall walked away. “Did he hurt you?”


“Good” all four said

“Where my ring?” I asked pulled back from James and held his hand. “Um it hit me and fell.” James said looking around him.  “Found it!” Kendall shouted. “Thanks” I took the ring and wiped the dirt off. James whispered to the guys as I put my ring on. “Baby is it okay if the guys join us for movies?” James turned to me “hm?” I looked up at him “Can the guys join us for movies?” I nodded and was wrapped in arms. “Cant…breath” I gasped. They let me go and I looked around. “Come on movie time Monday!” Carlos shouted running in, followed by Kendall and Logan. James turned to me “Im sorry” he said pushing strands of hair behind my ear “Its not you fault. Now lets go watch a movie” I placed my hand in his and walked inside.

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