chapter six

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i know James is jewish so lets pretend he celebrates Christmas...anyways heres the next chapter

Skylers pov

The doctor said I could go home today! I found that a bit weird since I woke up today. “James I really wanted to get you something!” I said. “My gift is you waking up” he said kissing me. I giggled softly before hugging him “You are such a dork” I mumbled into his shoulder “But im your dork…now lets go get your gifts!” he picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride to the car.

We got to James house and sat by the fire in sweat pants and tank tops..well I was in a tank top with my favorite coat  that’s james. James was wearing a sweat shirt. I looked at him as he set a box in my lap. “I had it for while…I was going to give it to you before but you know…” he trailed. Taking my arms from around him I opened the box. Inside was a small black box. “Aw James you got me a box?!” I joked. “Open it” he said moving the trash. “Should I be afraid?” I asked looking at him. “No…I don’t think you should” he said kissed the side of my head.  lifting the lid I saw a beautiful locket. I smiled and took it out the box. “Thank you!” I said kissing him. “it opens” he opened it “James what locket doesn’t open?” I asked. “Some don’t” he replied. “I figured when we get married we can put pictured in it. I really didn’t know what to put inside” he said shyly. I closed the locket and handed it to him. “That’s fine” I lifted my hair and James put in around my neck. James put his arms around me “Carlos Kendall and Logan will be here soon. They are eating at the family’s house.” I looked up at James. “And what about your family?” I asked. “They will be over in a bit” I nodded “Oh and my dad only knows about us getting married. So that’s kinda a gift to my mom and siblings” I nodded and cuddled into James side. “Its California why is it cold?!” I laughed “I don’t know I don’t control the winter” I smiled and looked at the time. “What time is your family coming over?” I asked. “OUR family will be here at six” James said saying our louder than anything. “Then im going to take a shower before our family comes over” I gave him a quick kiss before getting up. “This is your second shower!” he said. “And? I want to smell good” I laughed “But you always smell like green apples” I sat back down and hugged him “And you always do too…sometimes I think you used my shampoo” I joked “Maybe I do…when can we move all your stuff in here?” he asked trying to change the subject. “In a while. All it is a few boxes…what about…cats things” I asked looking at my lap. “We will find a place” he kissed my forehead and got up “I need to get dinner going” I nodded “Want me to help?” James stood in the kitchen door way “Ill be fine. Go and take your shower” I nodded and went upstairs.

After putting on a ruffled shirt and skinny jeans I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. “Hey baby” he said. “Poo I was going to scare you!” I pouted. “I’m sorry” he looked at me over his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his back.  “My, I mean. Our family will be here in five minutes” he said.  I unwrapped my arms and leaned against the counter “James. Last time I checked your sister didn’t like me” James stood infront out me “Maybe she did maybe she didn’t like you but that  doesn’t change how I feel” he went to kiss me but the door bell rang. “their here”

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