chapter 10

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“Wear something pretty not a tshirt” James said. “I am!” I laughed “Oh okay! Well your in a tshirt and-“ I covered his mouth “James girls take time to get ready so you finish and go help Logan James and Carlos set up downstairs” James nodded and kissed my forehead before shutting the door on his way out. I got my outfit on.. I went to put make up on when Carlos walked in “What if I wasn’t dressed?” I asked. “I would shield my eyes.” I shook my head and looked at him “What did you need?” I asked “James needs a new shirt” I rolled my eyes “Tell James to get his own shirt” I said pushing him out. I did my hair and make up as James walked in. I got him a shirt  and laughed when I saw his “W-What happen?” “Logan” he said taking his shirt off. “Now give me my shirt” he said. “Here and is my outfit okay?” I asked. James put his shirt on and wrapped his arms around my waist resting his forehead against mine. “Beautiful. As always” I looked at my outfit then kissed his cheek “Lets go to the party.” I grabbed his hand and lead him downstairs. The smell of hot dogs and ham burgers came to my nose making me sick. “You okay?” James whispered in my ear “Yea the smell made my stomach upset”  I said wrapping my arms around him. “When did all the people get here?” I asked. “half hour ago” I nodded and looked at the time 10:00 Wow two hours till midnight. “Lets dance” James took my hand and lead me outside where people were slow dancing. I wrapped my arms around James’s neck and his arms went around my waist. “Just think a few weeks till we get married” he whispered. “I know. I cant wait.” I smiled and rested my chin on James shoulder “I always wanted to be a Maslow” I said softly “I always wanted you to marry me” he said kissing my cheek “and everyone said we would get married. They were right” James chuckled. I smiled and pulled back. We stood there looking at each other “Five minutes till 12” Carlos shouted. “We danced for two hours” James wrapped his arm around my waist and we went inside.










“One! Happy New year!” Every body shouted. James pulled me into a kiss as every couple did. James stopped kissing me and I stood up straight. “Heeey Jaaames” Kendall said. “Kendall did you drink?” I asked. “PSh Nooo” he took a step and fell. “You can stay here tonight” James helped Kendall to the guest room. Carlos got Logan who was also drunk to the car “Ill take him to my place” He said. “Thanks los” I kissed his cheek and hugged him “Night Los.” After everyone left James and I cleaned up then went to bed.

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