Chapter One

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Oh, where do I begin on this?

Ah yes, the harvest festival.

Goodness! After the resurrection of my parents in Ahtohallan in the summer , so much has changed and happened in the months before the festival. It feels like years have passed.

Peace treaties have been made, weddings put on hold because of the war that's gonna happen soon, vists and adventures across all the islands and lands that our new friends call home. It's a whirlwind of adventure that it's hard to believe our new normal now includes dragons, endless magic and..... love.

Yes, hard to believe, but it seems that this fall everyone is in love. Including me. Over the course of the summer, Jack's duties as winter guardian were put on hold so he spent all of his free time with me. He moved in completely into my ice castle on Ahtohallan, along with Angel and Iceblade. Thanks to the events over the summer, it already feels like we know each other all our lives, with a routine similar to that of a married couple. We may not be married, but as powerful spirits with a deep magical connection, it's as good as. Even the most intimate parts of a marriage works so seamlessly with us. Our connection runs so deep that it really feels like my life is finally complete, and I can truly let go with Jack. He makes me feel....... me. The best version of Elsa that I didn't know even existed.

From what I know, Jack was a nomadic spirit roaming the world with no home to go or life to ground him. Now, he does. He's best friends with Hiccup Haddock of Berk, he has me for a girlfriend/soulmate, he's found a great companion in Iceblade, and a home here in Ahtohallan. The children of Arendelle love his stories and adventures, and he's helped everyone cool down on really hot summer days. Especially me and my hay fever.

My life cannot get any better than this. I have my family back and bigger than ever, I have new and great friends, I finally found my soulmate, and I get to live as my true self. It also means that I have much more to drive me to really prepare to win the war that's coming. I have so much to lose now, and I will do everything within my power to protect my bigger and better family now.

For now, I just wanna enjoy the blissful moments as much as I can before Armageddon inevitably strikes.

Days before the first harvest festival in Arendelle with the former King and Queen back from the dead, Jack wanted to help Hiccup and the rest of the Viking Clan prepare for departure to Arendelle to help celebrate with us. He just left yesterday with Iceblade, but I already miss him like crazy. He did suggest I take off for Arendelle today so I can spend some extra time with my family before the festival, so that's where I am.

Angel and I left my castle pretty early. We were wide awake despite the sun not rising from the eastern sea yet.

"You okay, Elsa?" Angel asked me.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"You don't look okay, you look like you're in deep thought about something."

Thanks to what Hiccup calls the "Soul Bond", dragon and their bonded humans can sense each other's thoughts and emotions psychically. He says the magic from that day we discovered our dragons could talk was what bonded our souls to be as one. It was pretty amazing, especially to have someone feel as I feel.

"Missing Jack?"

"That obvious, huh?"

"To me, yes. And you're not the only one. I'm missing Iceblade, too."

I raised my eyebrows at her. This is new. I knew Angel and Iceblade spend as much time together as Jack and I, but I never realized.....

"Missing, as in...?"

"Yes, as in I miss him like you miss Jack."

"You and Iceblade are.....?"

"It's the soul bond, Elsa. Since our souls bonded as one last summer, I feel all that you feel. And since Iceblade bonded with Jack, it was bound to happen."

"Okay. But, soul bond aside, how is he to you? Is there a potential for you to be attracted to him as a mate?" I sounded like a gossiping teenager, but I can't help it.

Angel looked so adorable, if a dragon can blush from a crush.

"He is....... kind, has a great sense of humor, sensitive, loyal, trustworthy, formidable in combat, great firepower and agility. It also doesn't hurt that he has an incredible physique for a recently evolved Titan Wing Razorwhip."

"But, is he a formidable mate for a recently evolved Titan Wing Light Fury like you?" I teased her.

"Uhh........ yes. Yes, he is."

And I was giggling at her confession.

"Don't laugh. Mating season for dragons is growing closer, and I am already at the age where I need to find a mate. Since Light Furies and Night Furies are now limited to 8 of us in total, there is not a lot for options on the mating market when you're related to them somehow." She defended.

"You make a valid point, Angel. And don't worry, should you do choose Iceblade as your mate then I approve."

"Thanks Elsa, but I'm not sure if our Alpha would permit mating not of our species. It hasn't been done in over a hundred years, and I don't know if we can now."

"Well, I'm no love expert. But, I think that if your intentions with each other are pure and true, then the Alpha could permit it. He is a reasonable leader, after all." I tried optimistically.

"Maybe. But, I'm still not sure about what I'm feeling. I'll consider reaching out to our Alpha when I'm 100% certain that I want Iceblade to be my mate this winter."

"Fair enough."

Before long, Arendelle Castle came into view just as the sun started to rise over the glistening fjord. We finally made it.


When Angel ans I landed, I was immediately tackled with a hug by the queen herself, aka my little sister Anna.

"You're finally here!! Wait, you're early! Oh no! Did something happen with Jack? I swear if he hurt you, immortal spirit or not, I will......" She berrated on an on, jumping to conclusions.

Just like she always does.

"Relax, Anna. Me and Jack are wonderful. He's currently helping our friends further up northeast on their flight here for the festival. I came here early so I can spend some time with you guys before the festival requires us to do royal family duties." I assured her laughing before I greeted my parents, Kristoff and Olaf with a hug.

"Then you have come just in time. Our Family from Corona and the Royal Family of the Dark Kingdom are arriving today. Thanks to our bonded dragons, transportation has never been faster." Father informed me.

"You are also just in time for breakfast. We were just about to eat when you arrived. Come, Angel can join Ivory and Peony over at the stables where breakfast is already served. And I'll have Gerda fix you a plate of cinnamon pancakes." Mother told me as we went inside where it was warm and smelled like my childhood memories.

"While we're at it, we can also plan your birthday party." Anna suggested, and I could only smile fondly at her.

It's great to be back here with my whole family.

Journey of a Lifetime -Book III of the Journey SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now