Chapter Nine

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"Snotlout was the first to find his other half?" 

I was talking to my family back on Berk to give them updates of our first day of the quest. The sun had just set, and my mirror began chiming. It was my parents with Uncle Marvick, Aunt Vera and Spitelout. 

"That's m'boy!!!!" Spitelout cheered in the background while his wife had tears in her eyes.

I can't really tell if she's happy her son found a girl or if she's sad her son has a new favorite woman. Snotlout's the biggest mama's boy in all of Berk, everyone knows it no matter how hard he tries to hide it. One time, three years ago, Snotlout bailed on going dragon sledding with us from the top of the mountain so he could go train with his dad, when in reality, he was knitting blankets with his mom for Snoggletog. And believe it or not, the fact that he's a big mama's boy is a pretty big reason why we're actually friends. It proves that no matter how much of a boarheaded jerk he is, he's still a person with feelings. I can only hope Minden is patient and kind enough for her to actually see that in him and find him a really great guy. 

Women, in general, don't exactly have the greatest impression of him.

"I know, I was as shocked as you are. I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't there next to him when it happened." I could only say to them. 

"Did you tell Heather and the girls?" Mom asked me. 

"I did, and its only just the biggest weird coincidence I have ever experienced in my life." 

"How come?" Dad was the one to ask. 

'Well... um... after Snotlout got his vision, I immediately chimed Heather's mirror to tell her this. And when she answered, she was on this island filled with women that fit exactly the weird vision Snotlout descirbed to us. I think its called the Wingmaidens?"

"Wingmaiden Island, you're sure?" Mom looked surprised. 

"Yeah." I nodded. 

"Incredible. Snotlout found a match with the Wingmaiden Tribe?" Mom breathed out in awe, which got me thinking. 

"Mom? Do you know them?"

"Yes, I do actually. They once helped me secure a whole batch of Eggs that were being smuggled across the Archipelago after I helped relocate their Titan Wing Male Razorwhips to the Sanctuary. We've been good friends and allies for years. You'd like them, Hiccup. Though, I am curious as to why Snotlout's other half would be a Wingmaiden. The women of that tribe took a vow of celibacy to dedicate their lives to the protection and care of dragons under the guidance of the Goddess Freya." Mom explained. 

"What do you mean, they took a vow of celibacy?" Spitelout asked her. 

"The women of the Wingmaiden Tribe took a vow of eternal maidenhood, thus the celibacy, since they believe men, and males of all species, couldn't even begin to comprehend or obey their sacred duty to Midgard and the gods. So, they renounced any chance of marriage or relationships, love and romance included, in order to fulfill their sacred duty." She just said. 

"Well, Snotlout pointed us to the girl he saw in his vision, and its the cousin of their chieftess. She looks pretty tough, serious and incredibly devoted to her people. If Mom is right that these women are devoted to dragons and their duty to Freya, then Snotlout's got his work cut out for him. Let's be honest, the two of them falling in love is as likely as getting struck by lightning in the same place twice. The best we can all really pray for is those two trust each other enough to have each other's backs, regardless of whether they remotely like each other or not." I pointed out. 

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