Chapter Two

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I didn't wanna leave Elsa to go to Arendelle alone, but I wouldn't come to Berk if Hiccup didn't need my help. I was asked by my new best friend, and his Night Fury posse to come to Berk because he needs me and Iceblade for this new weapon they wanna make.

When we arrived yesterday, he told me they found this incredible foreign ore on their usual flight around the archipelago. And none of their usual metals seem to bond well with their mysterious ore. And he wants to try melted Razorwhip Barbs bonded with the rock.

"Why ask me and not your girlfriend that also has a Razorwhip?"

"Well, she's busy rebuilding the Berserker Tribe Culture with her family, so she can't be bothered with this." He said.

"And I am?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Plus, I need your ice powers to rapidly cool the water for the metal since the usual slow cooling method isn't working with the weird rock we found."

I know I told Elsa I was helping them get ready for the festival, and I am. The rocks and Iceblade's barbs are part of that.

"If the sword I make becomes successful, I'll be able to make the perfect centerpiece gift to the Arendellians for the festival." He informed me.

I'm not the blacksmith genius, so I just nodded.

The four of them were confined to the blacksmith after Iceblade and I did what we were supposed to do. All I had to do was wait for then to finish before we are a convoy of riders headed to Arendelle.

Fun fact about this new normal we now have, since we started visiting different places and cultures so frequently that we need to blend in to avoid attention, we all have a diverse wardrobe fit for any place and any occasion. This was a plan that came from the parents, since they did this before.

So, when I left I was already in my viking gear courtesy of Heather. And the look really fits me. Simple, and lightweight but has the ruggedness that screams "viking". Apart from the white hair and large staff, I blend right in and no one mobs me on the street anywhere. Well, anymore. But, that's a story for another time.


I was hanging with Iceblade and the Night Fury Foursome- Toothless, Leo, Phantom and Midnight. Since their owners are working in the blacksmith, they're as bored as Iceblade and I. Thanks to what Elsa and I did, talking to them doesn't feel as silly as it was before they could magically talk.

"How's the Light Furies?" Leo asked.

"Angel seems to be doing pretty great. Peony and Whiteout are loving the Arendellians and Royal life. Misty..." and I noticed Leo's ears perk up as Iceblade answered his question, "well, since she became the dragon of the Princess of the Dark Kingdom, we haven't seen her as much. But, I heard she and Cassandra have fitted in well with their new family." 

"They are coming to the festival, right?" Leo asked, his eyes hopeful and wide.

"From what Elsa told me, they arrive at Arendelle today." I told him while smirking.

And the others looked at him with smug faces. We all knew what was up. 

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Leo asked, confused and slightly weirded out. 

"Misty? Really?" Midnight called him out. 

"I-I don't get it." Leo played dumb, but we weren't having it. 

"Don't you even try it, Leo. Mating season is coming up, and anyone with eyes and common sense can tell you have your eye on Misty." Toothless brought it up. 

And Leo couldn't hide it anymore -we were right. 

"Okay, fine. Yes, I'm well aware it's mating season. And I do have the hots for Misty. I admit it." Leo caved. 

"It's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, Leo. It's the cycle of life. We all go through it." Phantom assured him. 

"I know that, but what I'm embarrassed about is, Misty is out of my league. She's so cool and bold, with great flying techniques. While I'm a goof and I hesitate that only knows how to fly fast in a straight line." Leo groaned.

"True, but you're the last single Night Fury Male, and she's the last Light Fury Female... maybe it could happen." Toothless said, trying to lift his spirits. 

"Wait, aren't you and Angel on that category?" Leo asked him.

"Technically yes, but we're already mated to different dragons." Toothless answered. 

"Really? Inter-breeding is allowed again? How?" Midnight asked him.

"The prophecy. Since I'm a dragon bonded to someone from a prophecy, and we're linked through the soul bond. I automatically have feelings for the bonded dragon of my person's mate regardless of what breed. Even before the prophecy, I already had feelings for Windshear. I never knew why, until the prophecy and Soul Bond made it clearer. And I imagine it's the same for Angel and Iceblade." Toothless explained, which Iceblade and I confirmed. 

"He's right. Since there's a psychological link between two souls, we feel what our person feels. And because of the prophecy, we were granted exception because our persons hearts and fates are now tied to ours." Iceblade added. 

"I am happy for you guys. Glad your Alpha granted that exception thanks to the prophecy. Plus. I can't imagine what little Razor Furies would look like." I told them.

"Razor Furies?" The dragons asked, confused.

"Hiccup told me, which came from Heather should Windshear and Toothless lay eggs in the winter. Since it was a mixed breed, Heather came up with the term Razor Furies. Plus, it sounds awesome and rolls off the tongue pretty well." Which they all agreed to. 

Suddenly, a whistle came from the blacksmith shop, which is a signal that their sword is done. Thank God. I was itching to get a move on. But first, they have to pack for 3 days. We're wings up first thing in the morning. They're supposed to make sure everything's on order before we leave. I don't mind waiting some more, as long as what they do leads us closer to departure. 

I've only been with Elsa for a few months, but because of everything that happened, it's torture to be away from her even a second too long than I can take. I'm already almost at my breaking point. Both figuratively and literally, she's my other half. I end up missing her whenever I'm not in the same room with her for more than 20 mins. It may seem like an exaggeration, but 20 minutes is when my patience starts to crack.

Oh, I can't wait to see my beautiful snowflake again. 

Journey of a Lifetime -Book III of the Journey SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now