Chapter Three

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Sky was dark. The village was quiet. I was alone, with my cousin, my best friends and the gang, making the last minute arrangements and changes to the swords before we set off at sunrise. It's pretty late, but none of us feel like sleeping tonight. It's a big fancy party at a big fancy castle with all these fancy royals. Socially, we're on the same status level. But, the fact that they clean up so much better than we do at.... well.... everything, it's nerve-wracking.

"You know, I never really felt like a prince before. But, when we're in Arendelle and I'm reminded that I'm basically a prince since I'm the son of a chief, which is equivalent to a King, it's like I'm having impostor syndrome." Nikolai sighed.

"I know what you mean. I can never get used to the people there calling me 'your highness'. Mom and Dad told me to get used to it, but I don't think I ever will." I agreed.

"Not to mention those manners. Apparently it's not very ladylike to keep a dagger on your belt for everyone to see. I find it hard to believe women there have different standards than men. Unlike here where we all equals." Astrid grumbled.

"If this is what Royal life really is like in other parts of the world, I don't think I could survive that." Aaron added.

"Elsa tells me it was hard. For Anna it was brutal since she didn't do well on royal etiquette lessons. But it was necessary to promote diplomatic relations when a royal presents him/herself with poise, confidence and grace. A smile and an upbeat attitude can only go so far." Jack told us.

"That does not really help." Skylar commented.

Suddenly, the flap of metal wings could be heard close by, and I can feel my mood already uplifting. I looked up, and lo and behold, it was my girlfriend dropping in for a visit late at night.

"Hey guys, figured you might still be awake." Heather greeted everyone before she greeted me with a peck on the lips.

"What are you doing here so late?" I asked her.

"I came to get away from the politics over there. I could barely sleep with Dad, Dagur and Mala discussing treaty relations and united tribes." She sighed.

"Believe me, it was not a pleasant conversation." Windshear backed her rider up.

"They're screaming?" Snotlout guessed.

"They weren't at first. But then Mala mentioned about her treaty with the Wingmaiden Tribe, which Windshear backed up because they were a tribe of warrior women tasked with the celestial duty of caring for the Razorwhip breeds and the place Windshear grew up before I found her, then Dagur wanted to meet them since they're getting married, he'll become one of the leaders to initiatr treaties, and their tribes will be united by the Defenders of the Wing moving to Berserker Island, and it all went downhill from there." Heather ranted.

"Mala didn't want to move, and insisted the Berserkers move to Defenders of the Wing since their Kingdom is tasked with a celestial duty as well- the survival of the Eruptodon Breeds." Windshear continued.

"Mala got a pang of jealousy that Dagur was so eager to meet a tribe of pure women, then she felt undermined because Dagur declared that her kingdom move into his island without even asking her, then she blew up on him. The whole house was a scream fest, with Dad trying to calm things down with the both of them. Mom decided to oversee how the dragons were settling on the island. And we came here for the peace and quiet. I left a note on where I was and everything." Heather finished.

"You do know we are all leaving tomorrow? You should be resting. We have a long flight in the morning." Jack worried.

"I'm fine. Plus, I have no mood to sleep after what went down earlier today. Besides, we're not all going."

Journey of a Lifetime -Book III of the Journey SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now