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"Dream!" George yelled throughout the house. Sapnap was now 19 years old. Dream was 21 and George was 23.

"He went to check up on Manburg I think." Sapnap said, swinging his sword around for practice.

"Do you know where?"

"He left like, a few minutes ago. Should be coming in any second."

"Wanna spar later?" George asked, changing the topic swiftly.

"Yeah." Sapnap said, putting his sword away and deciding to explore some alone.

"Tell Dream im with Quackity!" Sapnap yelled as he left. He ran towards where Quackity's residence was until he knew he was out of George's sight.

He ran towards the mountain with snow at the peak.

He climbed to the highest point he was still able to breathe at and sat down, letting the snow soak through his jeans. He looked over the beautiful world George, Dream and Him had been building up and adding onto for years.

Sapnap heard the snow behind him crunch as a person approached.

"Dream, go away." Sapnap said rather loudly. No response was heard except the continuation of snow crunching.

"Dream I said- oh. You're not Dream." Sapnap said as he whipped his upper body around, staying positioned on the ground. He locked eyes with a man who looked to be the same height as him. He wore a multicoloured hoodie and dark denim jeans. His hair was a light brown and looked as if it would be fluffy and soft.

Sapnap felt his heart stop as soon as the boy smiled.

"Hello! Sorry i didn't know anyone was here!" He apologized in a happy tone of voice, a smile etching onto his face. He paused his music and removed his earbuds.

"No worries, i can leave if you want me to." Sapnap offered.

"Nonsense!" The boy exclaimed. "Can i sit?" He pointed to the open space next to the raven haired boy. Sapnap nodded and focused his gaze towards the city. He could probably tell you from memory where everyone's houses are located at.

"I've always wondered what it was like to live there. Oh! My name is Karl by the way, Karl Jacobs." He smiled, extending a hand. The raven haired boy shook his hand kindly and introduced himself as well.

"Im Sapnap."

"So where exactly do you live? Like where are you from?" The man asked, sifting the snow through his fingers. Sapnap noticed that the other's hands would be a bit smaller than his. The urge to grab Karl's hand then became known and almost intolerable for some reason. He looked out at the city becoming more and more War prone.

"I live within the DreamSMP. That city down there." Sapnap pointed to the distant buildings.

"Really?! Seriously?! You're so lucky!" Karl exclaimed in excitement. Sapnap giggled and nodded.

"I guess. I've lived here since i was eight. We started building it when I was thirteen. It started out as a base until we expanded just a few years ago. More people just moved in and added on as well. Now there's Manburg within our lands, though a war is going down right now to gain their freedom. I'm not entirely sure honestly." Sapnap explained.

"I've always wanted to live there. Just never went through with moving in i guess."

"It's not as pleasant as you'd think." Sapnap sighed.

"Oh! It's getting late! Did you want me to walk with you or anything?"

"No that's alright. I can make it back." Sapnap replied, standing up and wiping the snow off of his pants. He extended a hand to the man still sitting in the snow.

"Look how pretty the sunset is." Karl said in awe. Sapnap admired the glow in his eyes. The many colours of the sunset shining on his face. He smiled and nodded, slipping his hand back into his jean pocket.

"It is, isn't it." Sapnap whispered. Karl giggled before standing.

"Nice to meet you, Sapnap. Maybe we'll cross paths one day." He said with a wink before leaving. The snow crunching as it did when he had been approaching.

Sapnap smiled and walked back down the mountain and towards his home.

Once Sapnap was on the prime path, it was already dark out and he was dodging mobs that were harming him from all around. He ended up sprinting towards the Community House, shared with George and Dream, since it seemed to be closer.

He finally made it safely and slammed the door shut. He slid down the front of it trying to catch his labored breathing.

"Wanna tell us where the fuck you've been?!" Dream's voice sounded throughout the small wooden house. He jumped slightly at the older's tone and stood.

"With Quackity." Sapnap mumbled.

"Sapnap he's been with me and George for hours!" Dream yelled once again.

"Chill, damn." Sapnap spoke in annoyance.

"Dream why don't you-"

"NO! He can't just run off for literal HOURS and not fucking tell anyone, George! Let alone lying!"

"Sometimes i just need a fuckin break man! I'm fine! See, look, no scratches or anything! What's your fucking problem!" Sapnap yelled, putting his things into his ender chest nearby.

"My fucking problem is you lied and ran off to somewhere when nobody knew where you fucking were, Sapnap!"

"Okay? So fucking what?!"

"So fucking what? So fucking what?! Sap i thought you were dead! O-O-Or in the nether! Or somewhere where you needed help and I couldn't help you!" Dream practically screamed. His face was almost red from how angry he was. His green eyes flaming with anger as he gripped his smile mask in his hands.

"God, i thought you were fucking gone Sapnap, that's my problem. I care about you, you can't just run off like that. I understand if you need a break, we all do sometimes. I'm fine with you running off but dear god just let somebody know you're fine. And next time, keep your compass on you." Dream said in a somewhat calm manner. He walked up to the boy and handed him his compass.

"I'm going to talk to Wilbur, Phil, Techno and Tommy. I'll be back." Dream spoke quietly, slipping his mask back on and exiting the tension packed house. He slung his axe on his shoulder and walked away from the house.

"Why'd you lie?" George broke the silence that settled between the two.

"I didn't want anyone to follow me and I figured being with Quackity would save me from the worried Dream part." Sapnap sighed, looking at the man now standing behind him.

Sapnap collapsed down against the wall and sighed heavily. These arguments with Dream has put a lot of stress on their friendship and he's praying it doesn't break the bond they've had for almost twelve years now. Dream is like a brother he's never had. Dream taught him almost everything he knows.

George sat next to the 19 year old and slipped his glasses onto the man's head. Sapnap giggled as he slid the glasses down onto his eyes to tint the world some.

"How do you see out of these?"

"I've just managed I guess." George laughed. Sapnap laid his head on George's shoulder, feeling comforted by the older male's presence.

"We'll be alright, right? Our constant bickering won't break our bond, right? I wont...I wont lose him? Right, Gogy?" Sapnap asked, voice breaking at the saddening thought.

"You won't lose him, Sap. You won't lose either of us. We'll both always be here. I promise, Sap, I promise." George whispered softly as he hugged the younger.

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