e i g h t || d i s o r i e n t a t i o n

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Karl had had another time travel experience. He woke up in a very panicked state. He hadn't recognized where he was or who he even was.

"Karl, Karl breathe." Sapnap soothed, rubbing circles on his back. Karl tried grasping onto anything that looked familiar in the room, even the male next to him. Nothing looked familiar. The male's presence felt familiar, but he couldn't place his finger on it.

What was also weird was that he hadn't remembered the Time Travel experience, but he hadn't remembered anything in reality. He was confused as to what was real and what wasn't. He was losing his breath quickly, his eyes flitting from one thing to the next.

His eyes landed on the raven haired boy's concerned face. Scars were the first thing he'd noticed. Next was the caring navy blue eyes. His breathing slowed. He wanted to remember, he needed to remember.

"Wh-Who are you?" Karl asked timidly.

Sapnaps heart shattered.

"I-I'm Sap, Sapnap. You're boyfriend, Karl."

"Is that my name, K-Karl?"

"Yes, your name is Karl Jacobs. Do you know how old you are?"


"You're twenty two, Karl. Do you know where you are?" Sapnap asked, hands trembling at the thought of the man he loved not remembering him. Karl shook his head softly.

"Do you remember your name?"

"K-Karl Jacobs.."

"Good job, do you know my name?" The man shook his head in response, eyes tearing up.

"I'm s-s-s-sorry!" Karl apologized, looking down at the dress like hoodie. It was Sapnap's, white with a fire symbol on it. The fabric made Karl look small and adorable in Sapnap's mind.

"Hey, hey you're doing great." Sapnap said with a smile, lifting the man's head with his finger softly.

"You're doing great." Sapnap whispered once again, moving his hand to cup Karl's face softly. Karl leaned into the touch. It made his body feel ten degrees warmer and ten times more safe. Karl moved to sit in the man's lap for more warmth and security. He fell asleep peacefully on the unknown man, who's presence felt far too familiar.

"Just sleep, babe." Sapnap whispered with a sigh. He was praying Karl would wake up with his memory once again. He moved gently to sit against the headboard on the bed. He played with Karl's hair gently as he slept peacefully in his ams.

When Karl woke up this time, he wasn't confused. He remembered the whole interaction with forgetting Sapnap. He never could recall the time traveling experience.

"Hey, Karl." Sapnap spoke softly. Karl sat up and hugged the latter.

"I'm sorry i forgot you." Karl apologized, voice shaky.

"Hey, it's alright. You can't control it." Sapnap said quietly, hugging the older back.

"Why don't you hang out at your library today, yeah? Try to write about something or read about your stories." Sapnap suggested. Karl nodded as he melted against the other.

"Today should be less eventful if i'm correct. Just try to stay down there until i can come and escort you back here, alright?" Sapnap asked softly.

"I will." Karl agreed. The pair hugged for a few more moments before agreeing to walk to the library. Sapnap escorted him all the way there joking and laughing happily.

Dream watched them from afar, picking up on Sapnap's happy body language. He needed to stop caring, and he knew it. So he turned off his emotions and made a plan as to how to manipulate Karl into leaving Sapnap, and quickly. He didn't want Sapnap to be hurt in the crossfire but if he did, oh well. Karl needed to be stopped, in his mind at least.

"Bye bye Sap!" Karl said happily. Sapnap ruffled his hair before closing the trapdoor to his library. He looked everywhere to see if he could find anyone hidden somewhere, watching from anywhere. Nobody seemed to be present so he ran off towards his home once again.

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