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Karl and Sapnap met up everyday for weeks on end. Neither missed a day. At first they'd made a schedule of times and dates. After a few days they mentally made agreements and started meeting at random times. Sometimes Karl would wait for Sapnap for no more than a half hour and sometimes it would be Sapnap waiting for Karl.

The pair grew very close. Sapnap was surprised at just how much he trusted Karl. Whether the pair were sitting in silence on the mountain or tackling each other to the snow; they were together.

The pair would tackle each other in the snow. They'd spar sometimes and Sapanap would teach him how to properly hold a sword and swing it with a great amount of force so he'd give, whatever he was attacking, damage. Sometimes they just laid together, venting about different situations.

Sapnap quickly learned that Karl expressed himself through physical contact. Hugging or simply laying his head on Sapnap's shoulder was enough for Karl.

Sapnap didn't mind. Though he's never been much of a touchy person due to his upbringing, it felt nice with Karl. Karl made him feel things he'd never felt before.

Everytime Karl would mess with his hair his face would go red and he'd lean into the touch like a dog getting pet behind its ears.

Everytime Karl would play with his hands to distract himself from something he felt the need to interlock their fingers in a tight, never ending grip.

Everytime Karl would hug him he felt safe, like he could stay forever and never leave his arms.

Sapnap enjoyed the boy's soft nature and amazing comfort. Karl always seemed to know how to cheer him up. While Dream would get mad at him for coming home late and never being straight with his answers, he felt that Karl was worth the yelling. He was worth the small bickering between the pair. The smile on the man's face when they'd lock eyes was enough for a lifetimes worth of torture, if it meant he could see that smile or the light in those eyes once more.

All of this being said, when Sapnap didn't show for four days straight Karl became panicked.

Obviously he had to have good reasoning for not showing up the first day, and maybe even the second. The third was worrisome but maybe Karl had just missed him and he had come earlier than he did and left. The fourth day was just his thoughts getting the best of him. He truly thought Sapnap was dead and he hadn't known. So he thought going to the SMP, the place Sapnap resides, for closure was the best idea.

He didn't quite know how to get there. Although once he got there, he really wished he hadn't gone entirely. A man with a smile mask and dirty blonde hair had crept up on him. His partner next to him was shorter but had some type of white glasses and brown fluffy hair. He was quickly taken and questioned to which he was too terrified to answer.

"Quackity?!" Sapnap yelled, running through the door to his home in worry.

"Hey, what are you doing here?! George came by like five minutes ago saying he and Dream needed you. Something about someone trying to enter the lands without permission." Quackity said, almost reading Sapnap's mind.

"But they're okay?! They left early this morning and neither have their fucking compasses!" He raged.

"Community house is where they told me to tell you to go if I saw you. Good luck! Stay safe!"

"You too!" Sapnap yelled, running towards their base. Once he walked in, he was out of breath and ready to rip the pair a new one.

"Sapnap?! Where the hell have you been?!" Dream yelled.

"Looking for you! You banned me from fucking leaving and you both go and leave me thinking you're dead! Don't leave your compasses here again! Dear god you can't scare me like that! Are you fucking psychotic?!" Sapnap yelled, becoming very angry very quickly.

Soulmate From Hell || Karlnap ✔️Where stories live. Discover now