t w e l v e || m a s q u e r a d e

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Karl walked up to a huge mansion. He was wearing formal attire with a mask around his eyes. He knocked on the door and heard the echos throughout the greatly sized home. The door opened and a man with a suit and a red and green mask on opened the door.

The place was huge. Staircases on either side of the room leading to many greatly sized rooms upstairs. Karl was astonished by the size of this place.

He made conversation with the man, who went by the name of Sir Billiam III, in the house until more people arrived. One of the final people to arrive caught his eye.

The man wore a white button up shirt that had the top two buttons left undone. A pair of black pants paired with it. Black dress shoes on his feet. His hair was longer than expected, but suited him well. It was dark and shiny and it framed his face. His mask was like a crescent moon shape. His hair fell slightly in front of it, making him even more...aesthetically appealing.

The man in question went by the name of James. Karl immediately felt an attraction to him, a pulling towards him, like a magnet.

"How's the wife?" Sir Billiam asked, James.

"Divorced." James replied in a monotone voice, seeming unbothered by the question as he glanced at Karl from his peripheral vision.

"How's the family?" Sir Billiam tried once more.

"Gone." James replied with an unconcerned shrug.

"It's hard to talk to you." The host said after allowing for a few beats of silence to pass. James smiled as Sir Billiam walked away. He tried to talk to Karl, but Karl didn't notice and followed Sir Billiam, conversing with him.

Once everyone arrived and introduced themselves, they sat in the ballroom and drank at the bar before playing Duck Duck Goose. Why they chose Duck Duck Goose as a party game, Karl was unaware.

Once Karl was tagged he ran around but could not get the person who'd tagged him. He walked around and tagged everyone before picking Sir Billiam III. He ran around and James saw the host was getting close. James grabbed Karl's hand gently and pulled him down to sit. He was safe, unable to be tagged.

Karl landed in James' lap. James wrapped his arms around the male protectively as he fell so he wouldn't get hurt. Karl was giggling happily as he felt free when James was right there. He felt connected to James. He liked James.

Karl sitting in James' lap went unnoticed by everyone. Nobody paid attention enough to care about it. James just sat on the ground criss cross as Karl was perched in his lap comfortably. James' arms around his waist protectively.

As the game came to a close they all got up. The lights flickered. James, out of instinct and protection, grabbed Karl's hand and ran out of the room. The didn't unlock their hands until Karl ran a different direction than James.

He saw the silhouette of someone kill another. He prayed it not be James. He didn't want their connection gone, and story left obliterated just yet.

The more the night went on, the more people died. Until there were only five left. A man with an unusually long and complicated name with a fox mask. The butler. James. Sir Billiam III. Karl. They split off into groups. Sir Billiam III and Karl. James and the man with the concerningly long name. The butler, all by his lonesome, as if he died, it wouldn't matter.

Karl and Sir Billiam went through some secret passageways until the end of the round. The pair came out of the closet they were hiding in to see James on the floor, lying in a pool of his blood that was oozing from a stab wound. The man in a fox mask holding the knife and trying to act innocent.

Karl didn't pay as much attention to the situation as he did the ache in his heart. Why his heart ached, he was unsure of, but it did and it didn't feel nice. Seeing James dead on the floor, lying helpless in his own blood pooling from the wound, made Karl feel like his heart was being ripped from his chest and stomped on the ground with no mercy or disregard for his feelings.

As time passed his heart still felt heavy, but he was so close to outrunning death. The butler was chasing him down with the knife in hand. Sir Billiam III was laughing maniacally as Karl ran. His breath heavy, his legs weak as he was being chased by a predator, hunting its precious prey.

He thought he got away. He thought he could stop. He thought he was safe just to catch his breath.

He thought wrong.

It costed him his life.

The butler came from behind. He took the knife and plunged it into his abdomen before slicing his neck in one clean slice.

The egg was fed

His vision went black. He could no longer see.

When he awoke it was white. He saw James. James was dancing to music awfully. Karl giggled and jogged over the the male. The ache in his heart no longer being felt.

James beamed as he saw the male. He was quick to include him in a dance with his hand. James twirled him quickly. When he looked back he saw Sapnap. The love of his life. Karl smiled. He put his hand on the man's cheek, feeling the pricks of the stuble on his chin. Sapnap leaned into the touch with a smile.

Karl knew he'd love Sapnap in every way, in every timeline.

Sapnap was his soulmate.

Soulmate From Hell || Karlnap ✔️Where stories live. Discover now