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"Hi, it's Karl." He said softly. "I uh, miss you, a lot. I have to pretend like i don't remember you sometimes so they don't give me pity looks or always check up on me. Im okay, im fine. Time travel has gotten worse, but at least i can see you sometimes. If i think hard enough my time travel will be to a time when you were little and i get to see how you lived. It was crazy. I would've loved to know you then."

Karl was on the verge of tears. It had been months since he last saw Sapnap's face. Touched him. Hugged him. Kissed him. He was so touch deprived he started losing his mind.

Karl started sleeping all the time just to see Sapnap. Once he learned how to control his time era, he made sure to go back so Sapnap was still in it. Sometimes he would visit James in a different era of his life as well.

"Gogy misses you. So does Quackity. Tommy is dead, he got locked in prison with Dream and he got killed. I wanted to save him so badly, but i couldn't. Ive tired saving you in my travel experiences, but i only lose you again. Writing about you helps a lot. I sleep in your hoodies. I wear your bandana as a bracelet. It helps me a lot. Im not sure what to say, honestly." Karl confessed.

Tears slipped down Karl's cheeks as he pulled his knees into his chest. They were previously dangling over the ledge of where Sapnap fell into the lava. There was a netherrack little wall protecting him from any angered, unwanted mobs.

"I guess i just miss you. You were everything to me, Sap, and im sorry i caused this."

Karl had to hold back his sobs. He was a broken mess. He was lost without Sapnap and he couldn't show it without being pitied or babied.

He just wanted Sapnap back. He knew it'd get better, but right now its not better and that's alright. He knew it'd be alright.

He pulled himself together and walked away from the ledge and towards the portal.

"I love you Sapnap." He whispered. If he closed his eyes he could hear sapnap whispering it back and hugging him.

Karl smiled before walking into the portal and going back to his home with George and Quackity.

He'd be alright.

He really would.

Soulmate From Hell || Karlnap ✔️Where stories live. Discover now